PyChromeDevTools copied to clipboard
PyChromeDevTools is a python module that allows one to interact with Google Chrome using Chrome DevTools Protocol within a Python script.
Thank you for the code. I would like to ask that how to use it to interact with Chrome console using .py file?
chrome.Runtime.evaluate(expression="alert(1111)") I want to callback do it ep: chrome.Page.handleJavaScriptDialog(accept=True) will be close the alert
Used the exact same example from notes. (python 2.7.3) Every website I go to takes 2 seconds to load. Tested with that should take a 8s delay and it...
After installing the packages as described, tried executing your code in a local py file and my terminal keeps returning "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyChromeDevTools'". Is there something I'm missing...
1、Network.enable(). 2、open a webpage , the webpage has a looped video. 3、try Page.getFrameTree() The code is stuck in an endless loop at self.parent.pop_messages () of generic_function。In pop_messages, it will always...
Hi Marty90, When an Adblock Block Plus extension is added in chrome, the Adblock console can be viewed using inpspect. I would like to get logs of Adblock Plus using...
Hi, I open the chrome browser and try to do anything after connecting to the dev tools, but anything I try results in 'socket is already closed'... Any suggestions?? (I...
Hi, trying to geolocate the browser doesn't seem to work. print(chrome.Emulation.canEmulate()) returns {'id': 3, 'result': {'result': True}} - OK chrome.Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride(width=2436, height=1125, fitWindow=True, deviceScaleFactor=1, mobile=True) returns a landscaped bigscreen - OK...
I read Chrome DevTools protocol docs. After v1.3 it support gracefully close method in Browser domain. but it doesn't work with PyChromeDevTools. My chrome version is 71.0.3578.98 Thanks.