Miklós Márton
Miklós Márton
@Disasm Nice job, the decrypted file seems to be valid. How did you locked your programmer? Have you tried to upload a cooked and encrypted firmware with the official tool?
@Disasm you spared some time for me: I was just working on figuring out the app offset :D It is a bit funny to see that they reserved more than...
> @martonmiklos I think that the answer is flash layout: the sectors have different sizes and they are used to store 4 different things and should be erased separately. The...
> I also found a piece of code in the firmware that enables this protection level. This screams for creating a patcher tool. ;)
@Disasm yeah, but after a certain release the CubeIDE required me to update and it seems that my normal V3 (non mini) had been upgraded to the V3J6M2 version :(....
@Disasm many thanks for this info!
Many thanks for the hint @kvid ! I was not aware of the ordering importance! Do you know if the orientation of cable exit ports on the boxes could be...
Well I have to think more about how would it be the most elegant/straightforward. Adding glands as a note could be problematic since they have installation direction, they could have...
> This is a moot point now since [Eagle is dead.](https://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/blog/future-of-autodesk-eagle-fusion-360-electronics/) > > This issue can be closed. Yes indeed! Long live Kicad!
> when you've time, can you please PM me via Slack to quickly walk through your PRs? Thanks > > https://join.slack.com/t/openapi-generator/shared_invite/zt-12jxxd7p2-XUeQM~4pzsU9x~eGLQqX2g Sure, which timezone are you located?