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Ransombile is a tool that can be used in different scenarios to compromise someone’s digital life when having physical access to a locked mobile device
Ransombile is a tool that automates the password reset process and allows you to perform the entire flow automatically for multiple sites at the same time. The aim is to automate the three steps that take the longest in our proposed attack vector.
This tool only serves as a PoC to show that password reset can be automated effectively. Consider it an Alpha version. Things will fail and some sites I added don't work for various reasons (UI in a language different than English, A/B testing, timing issues, etc.).
For details and demos please check: https://www.martinvigo.com/ransombile
Ransombile is a rails app. It should work on any version but I wrote and tested it on Ruby 2.4 and Rails 5.0
You need an email inbox to which you will be sending emails from the Victim's device to retrieve the victim;s email address. Add the credentials information to the ransombile_controller file.
You can change the selenium plugin to use any browser but it comes configured to use Firefox by default to make development and testing easier. In fact, if you would "deploy" Ransombile, you probably want to use a headless browsers like PhantomJS.
Launch the server and run the webapp on any browser. It is optimized for mobile device screen sizes.
rails server
Adding websites
I left a template under /controllers/website_templates_controller. It gives you a skeleton with the basic functions and implementation. Just add the missing code where indicated.
You can create a new controller using the new website name
rails generate controller Websitename
Next, you need to update the UI, file index.html.erb. Just copy paste what's already there for any other site. Don't forget to update the function initiatePasswordReset()!
Last, update the routes file
Demo video
Tool presentation at BSides Las Vegas 2018
Martin Vigo - @martin_vigo - martinvigo.com