string-lite icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
string-lite copied to clipboard

The beginnings

Open martinmoene opened this issue 4 years ago • 0 comments

Sources for ideas:

To work on:

  • CharT *, CharT const *
  • StringT &, StringT const &, preferably selecting on availability of member method used, or method to ensure we're given a string of one form or another.


  • find over search: with find it is clear that found means success and not found means failure, with search, meh.
  • trim vs. strip
  • ...


  • [ ] Enable use without exceptions.
  • [ ] ...

A short list of methods/functions:


  • [x] is_empty()
  • [x] contains()
  • [x] contains_re() / contains_regexp()
  • [x] starts_with()
  • [x] ends_with()
  • [ ] contains_any_of()
  • [ ] starts_with_any_of()
  • [ ] ends_with_any_of()
  • [x] find_first()
  • [x] find_last() (find_end())
  • [ ] ...

Modifiers, modifed

  • [x] clear()
  • [x] to_lowercase(), as_lowercase()
  • [x] to_uppercase(), as_uppercase()
  • [x] replace_all(), replaced_all()
  • [x] replace_first(), replaced_first()
  • [x] replace_last(), replaced_last()
  • [x] append(), appended()
  • [x] join()
  • [x] split()
  • [x] trim(), trimmed()
  • [x] trim_left(), trimmed_left()
  • [x] trim_right(), trimmed_right()
  • [ ] ...
  • [ ] capitalize(), capitalized()
  • [ ] ...

A long list of methods/functions:

all() - Boost append() - C++ backslashify() - Facebook Folly capitalize() - Python casefold() - Python center(width[, fillchar]) - Python cEscape() - Facebook Folly clear() - C++ compare() - C++ const_formatter() - Boost contains() - Boost contains() (C++23) - C++ copy() - C++ count(sub[, start[, end]]) - Python cUnescape() - Facebook Folly empty() - C++ empty_formatter() - Boost encode(encoding="utf-8", errors="strict") - Python ends_with() - Boost ends_with() - Own ends_with() (C++20) - C++ ends_with_any_of() - Own endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) - Python equals() - Boost erase() - C++ erase_all() - Boost erase_all_copy() - Boost erase_all_regex() - Boost erase_all_regex_copy() - Boost erase_first() - Boost erase_first_copy() - Boost erase_head() - Boost erase_head_copy() - Boost erase_last() - Boost erase_last_copy() - Boost erase_nth() - Boost erase_nth_copy() - Boost erase_regex() - Boost erase_regex_copy() - Boost erase_tail() - Boost erase_tail_copy() - Boost expandtabs(tabsize=8) - Python find() - Boost find() - C++ find() - Own find(sub[, start[, end]]) - Python find_all() - Boost find_all_regex() - Boost find_first() - Boost find_first_not_of() - C++ find_first_of() - C++ find_format() - Boost find_format_all() - Boost find_format_all_copy() - Boost() - Boost find_format_copy() - Boost find_head() - Boost find_last() - Boost find_last_not_of() - C++ find_last_of() - C++ find_nth() - Boost find_regex() - Boost find_tail() - Boost find_token() - Boost first_finder() - Boost format(*args, **kwargs) - Python format_map(mapping) - Python head_finder() - Boost hexlify() - Facebook Folly humanify() - Facebook Folly icontains() - Boost identity_formatter() - Boost iends_with() - Boost iequals() - Boost ierase_all() - Boost ierase_all_copy() - Boost ierase_first() - Boost ierase_first_copy() - Boost ierase_last() - Boost ierase_last_copy() - Boost ierase_nth() - Boost ierase_nth_copy() - Boost ifind_all() - Boost ifind_first() - Boost ifind_last() - Boost ifind_nth() - Boost ilexicographical_compare() - Boost index(sub[, start[, end]]) - Python insert() - C++ ireplace_all() - Boost ireplace_all_copy() - Boost ireplace_first() - Boost ireplace_first_copy() - Boost ireplace_last() - Boost ireplace_last_copy() - Boost ireplace_nth() - Boost ireplace_nth_copy() - Boost is_alnum() - Boost is_alpha() - Boost is_any_of() - Boost is_classified() - Boost is_cntrl() - Boost is_digit() - Boost is_empty() - C++ is_from_range() - Boost is_graph() - Boost is_lower() - Boost is_print() - Boost is_punct() - Boost is_space() - Boost is_upper() - Boost is_xdigit() - Boost isalnum() - Python isalpha() - Python isascii() - Python isdecimal() - Python isdigit() - Python isidentifier() - Python islower() - Python isnumeric() - Python isprintable() - Python isspace() - Python istarts_with() - Boost istitle() - Python isupper() - Python iter_find() - Boost iter_split() - Boost join() - Facebook Folly join(iterable) - Python join_if() - Boost last_finder() - Boost lexicographical_compare() - Boost ljust(width[, fillchar]) - Python lower() - Python lstrip([chars]) - Python ltrim() - Facebook Folly maketrans(x[, y[, z]]) - Python nth_finder() - Boost operator+=() - C++ partition(sep) - Python pop_back() (C++11) - C++ push_back() - C++ range_finder() - Boost regex_finder() - Boost regex_formatter() - Boost remove() - Own replace() - C++ replace(), replaced() - Own replace(old, new[, count]) - Python replace_all() - Boost replace_all_copy() - Boost replace_all_regex() - Boost replace_all_regex_copy() - Boost replace_first() - Boost replace_first_copy() - Boost replace_head() - Boost replace_head_copy() - Boost replace_last() - Boost replace_last_copy() - Boost replace_nth() - Boost replace_nth_copy() - Boost replace_regex() - Boost replace_regex_copy() - Boost replace_tail() - Boost replace_tail_copy() - Boost rfind() - C++ rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) - Python rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) - Python rjust(width[, fillchar]) - Python rpartition(sep) - Python rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) - Python rstrip([chars]) - Python rtrim() - Facebook Folly skipWhitespace() - Facebook Folly split() - Boost split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) - Python split_regex() - Boost splitlines([keepends]) - Python starts_with() - Boost starts_with() - Own starts_with() (C++20) - C++ startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) - Python strip(), stripped() - Own strip([chars]) - Python strip_left(), stripped_left() - Own strip_right(), stripped_right() - Own substr() - C++ swap() - C++ swapcase() - Python tail_finder() - Boost title() - Python to_capital(), to_capitalized() - Own to_lower() - Boost to_lower(), to_lowered() - Own to_lower_copy() - Boost to_upper() - Boost to_upper(), to_uppered() - Own to_upper_copy() - Boost token_finder() - Boost toLowerAscii() - Facebook Folly translate(table) - Python trim() - Boost trim() - Facebook Folly trim_copy() - Boost trim_copy_if() - Boost trim_if() - Boost trim_left() - Boost trim_left_copy() - Boost trim_left_copy_if() - Boost trim_left_if() - Boost trim_right() - Boost trim_right_copy() - Boost trim_right_copy_if() - Boost trim_right_if() - Boost trimWhitespace() - Facebook Folly unhexlify() - Facebook Folly upper() - Python uriEscape() - Facebook Folly uriUnescape() - Facebook Folly zfill(width) - Python

martinmoene avatar Feb 06 '21 17:02 martinmoene