Martin Modrák
Martin Modrák
So there is a couple possible solutions roughly in order of complexity: 1. Put `Date` back in `DESCRIPTION` and keep it manually up-to-date 2. When date is not found in...
Did you end up finding a workaround? I have some datasets where this happens stochastically, i.e. I get the error in roughly 10% of cases, so considering restarting the optimizer...
I scanned the stan-dev/stan repo for open issues possibly related to output refactoring so that we keep an eye on them, see the use cases and hopefully resolve as much...
Here is a list of relevant open issues in RStan (changing the way samples are stored) (discusses output options) (suppress output from RStan) (consolidating between sampling...
And here is a list for other interfaces (0 relevant issues were found in StataStan, MatlabStan, MathematicaStan, httpstan and Stan.jl) (getting more info out of optimizing calls) (filtering...
This seems to be already done - lp is not written by ADVI (by my reading of the codebase) could @betanalpha verify and close?
Just a note - the way it is currently implemented signals the error in a quite unhelpful way - `try` will consume the error but print the message to `stderr`....
A duplicate of #406.
I'd like to think that SBC package will serve everybody well, but maybe there are people who don't want the extra dependency and also want more control? In any case...
Note that the problem of distinguishing arrays of size 1 and scalars is probably relevant ( This however might be easier to resolve in cmdstanr, as here one can actually...