mini-spend-tracker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
mini-spend-tracker copied to clipboard


mini-spend-tracker is a simple HTTP server allowing users to track their spendings which can be used as a simple budgeting tool. Data is stored in a SQLite database (db/schema.db can be cloned to create a new database).


  • Minimalistic HTTP server, to add daily spendings per category.
  • A dashboard allows to display the current month spendings per category, and the spendings variations over previous months.
  • Rule patterns can be created allowing to simply add spendings coming from bank statements. Rule patterns can be created under "Add new spendings".

Example rule pattern:

{"pattern": "^begin (\\d+) (.+) test (\\d)$", "variable_positions": {"day": 0, "month": 1, "amount": 2}}

means that when you add the following line:

begin 18 january test 10

the server will add a spending of 10$ on the 18th of January.


Main dashboard:



  • Clone the repository
  • Copy db/schema.db to db/spendings.db (or change DB_FILENAME to a different filename if needed).
  • docker-compose up --build -d. docker-compose.yml is provided to run the server in a Docker container (Python 3.10+ required).