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Sensum - CSGO Internal legit cheat
Development of Sensum stopped, I cant take care and maintain 2 cheats at once.
Sensum - Internal legit cheat
Operation Riptide broke the cheat, list of bugs/problems so far:
- Aimbot was locking on backtrack records.
- Backtrack isnt working
- Both Autowall and Hitchance arent working, because trace.hitgroup is returning nonsense values.
- Glow drops ~50 fps (Not the cheat's issue, I would have to rebuild the glow completely to eliminate fps drops, its kinda Valve's problem.)
List of features | Check the Discussions tab to request a feature.
Click on this if You are new to compiling cheats.
Further optimizations:
This project is using the SSE2 instructions set by default.
If your cpu supports AVX, AVX2 or AVX512 you can enable it in the project settings under:
"C++ -> Code Generation", to gain more performance.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where is the config location? -- C:\Sensum\configs
Why do I have such bad fps drops? -- Make sure to compile the cheat in release x86