Does AdaFace split validation set automatically? How can I change percentage?
Like self m. self h se;f s and so on?
Does anyone have other pretrained models for AdaFace? WebFace12M is good but it gets a lot of false positives on my dataset..
Is it wise to use additional augmentations when training?
Is there a pretrained model trained on webface42m (or a bigger dataset?) Can someone share a link?
Why crop_size=(96, 112) ? if model works with 112*112 images? `def warp_and_crop_face(src_img, facial_pts, reference_pts=None, crop_size=(96, 112), align_type='smilarity'):`
How do I change mtcnn to retinaface or other face detection model? How do I pass face aligment dots?
How do I change mtcnn to retinaface or other face detection model? How do I pass face alignment dots? Can someone share a working example?
What are the best alternatives to AdaFace? With comparable performance. is there something new that is better in performance?