Martina Pugliese
Martina Pugliese
in the learning paradigms? that is supposed to contain supervised, unsupervised etc
Use Migdal's post, go deeper in explaining the libraries though
see wikipedia, it's a good page. Also a reference in this article about the Anscombe's quarter chat
a brief outline of collab vs content-based in aws paper "two decades of recommender systems at amazon"
To do in regression. subtract mean, divide by std. Watch out for test set: don't want to use on its mean and std but those of the training set (stuff...
Chollet, chapter 1 is a good references for this
## Identify a PL graphically Pareto quantile-quantile plots (Q-Q plots), or log-log plots. ### Q-Q plot (fare voce separata) [from wikipedia] means plotting the quantiles of two distribs one against...