ECO copied to clipboard
ERROR in run_test
I use VOT-2017 with ECO tracker in MATLAB 2018a this is from the matlab CLIENT: Socket opened successfully on port 9090. CLIENT: Creating process "C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2018a\bin\matlab.exe" -nodesktop -nosplash -wait -minimize -r "try; diary 'runtime.log'; addpath('Z:\Surveill\VOT-semua\workspace/VOT_integration/benchmark_wrapper');addpath('Z:\Surveill\VOT-semua\native\mex');benchmark_tracker_wrapper('ECO', 'eco_vot_deep', true); catch ex; disp(getReport(ex)); end; quit;" CLIENT: Working directory is C:\Users\Fadhlika\AppData\Local\Temp\tp8748006c_e2f2_4ff7_b6d9_1d51685e2d49 CLIENT: Starting process CLIENT: Setting up TraX with TCP socket connection @@Trax:hello "trax.image=path;" "trax.region=polygon;" "trax.version=2" "trax.channels=color;" CLIENT: Tracker process ID: 2096 CLIENT: Connection with tracker established. @@Trax:initialize "file://Z:\Surveill\VOT-semua\workspace\sequences\birds1\color\00000001.jpg" "585.6200,227.7600,587.5700,235.2800,513.9400,254.4100,511.9900,246.9000" CLIENT: Trying to stop process using protocol. CLIENT: Flushing streams CLIENT: Process should be terminated. CLIENT: Stopping logger. CLIENT: Tracker exited normally. CLIENT: Cleaning up. CLIENT: Stopping logger thread CLIENT: Trying to stop process using protocol. CLIENT: Closing server socket. Tracker execution interrupted: Did not receive response. Error using traxclient Did not receive response. Error in tracker_run (line 77) data = traxclient(tracker.command, callback, ... Error in workspace_test (line 54) tracker_run(tracker, @callback, data); Error in run_test (line 10) workspace_test(tracker, sequences); this from workspace logs [�Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: Z:\Surveill\VOT-semua\workspace\runfiles]� [�> In path (line 109) In addpath (line 96) In setup_paths (line 11) In setup_tracker_paths (line 11) In benchmark_tracker_wrapper (line 28)]� eco_vot_deep(seq, [], []); this is from VOT-Integration ECO logs 'MATLAB:imagesci:imread:badImageSourceDatatype' 'The file name or URL argument must be a character vector.' How to fix this? I already change the timeout but it's same.. Thankyou
Check the error report.
How to check it?