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Meteor iOS integrates native iOS apps with the Meteor platform ( through DDP
I am subscribing to a Users publish function from my iOS app. The Entity "Users" is created on my side in CoreData as this:- extension Users { ``` @NSManaged var...
Hey, I don't know how but my managedObjectContext is nil when I'm trying to fetch objects to tableview My View Controller `return NSFetchedResultsController(fetchRequest: fetchRequest, managedObjectContext: managedObjectContext, sectionNameKeyPath: nil, cacheName: nil)...
I think there really needs to be information on how to use your package WITHOUT cocoapods. Not all of us have the ability to add superfluous dependencies to our project...
Meteor is running on my macbook, I am trying to connect from my iPhone to meteor using local IP of my macbook. I am unable to connect. ``` + (instancetype)defaultAccount...
I need to access to the `services` field of `User` but this is always `nil`. In the _Todos_ example, `services` is declared as `@NSManaged var services: NamedValues?` in the `User`...
Hey there, thanks for making this. Finally giving it a spin this weekend, and having no luck so far. Trying to connect to local server from simulator. The symptoms: -...
meteor-ios demo todos list data is empty. I basically cloned the Todos example from, and the meteor-ios repository,The web app and iso demo todos runs fine (locally) Add data...
How can I use pagination with lots of records? I did try to implement it my self by modifying the todos example and connecting it up to a very basic...
Hi there, i have fired login method when offline, but its not giving me any kind of responce error like internet connection if off, and meteor status is connecting for...
In your you reference It appears that this site doesn't exists anymore as it hasn't been available for weeks now. After some searching I can't find where it...