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docker-limesurvey copied to clipboard

The `BASE_URL` config seem to be broken in at least 6.x

Open fkrauthan opened this issue 1 year ago • 8 comments

It seems like the BASE_URL env variable currently maps to:

request -> baseUrl in config.php.

However when I didn't modify it I had a bunch of links broken as well as question preview images did not load correctly (I am using traefik and the apache image).

However changing that to

request -> hostInfo while appending a trailing / solved all issues for me. So maybe that config has changed and the needs to be updated?

fkrauthan avatar Mar 05 '24 07:03 fkrauthan

Hi, might be, I'm not using LS in my day to day. Last time I checked the LS documentation on these variables mostly points to the Yii Framework docs.

Since there are a bazillion config options in the Framework which we can't have as Env Variables in the Image, it's usually best to just mount a config.php.

So you are saying the hostInfo needs to be set instead of baseUrl? Or both? If you have a working example we can include it in the repo.

martialblog avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 martialblog

I only set hostInfo instead of baseUrl (it is also the one mentioned in the docs as the param to use:

fkrauthan avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 fkrauthan

I'll try to replicate things and update the docs then.

martialblog avatar Mar 08 '24 07:03 martialblog

@fkrauthan I think I got the same problem. I can not upload pictures because the buttons are just not working, everything else seems to work fine.

I have a running Traefik setup with the following docker-compose

    image: martialblog/limesurvey:6-apache
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./upload/surveys:/var/www/html/upload/surveys
      - ./config.php:/var/www/html/application/config/config.php
      - lime-db
      - internal
      - web
      - DB_HOST=lime-db
      - DB_NAME=limesurvey
      - DB_USERNAME=limesurvey
      - ADMIN_USER=admin
      - ADMIN_NAME=Admin
      - [email protected]
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.${WEBSITE}.rule=Host(`${URL}`)
      - traefik.http.routers.${WEBSITE}.tls=true
      - traefik.http.routers.${WEBSITE}.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt
    image: mariadb:10.5
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "MYSQL_USER=limesurvey"
      - "MYSQL_DATABASE=limesurvey"
      - internal
      - ./db:/var/lib/mysql

    external: true
    external: false


<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
return array(
  'components' => array(
    'db' => array(
      'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=lime-db;port=3306;dbname=limesurvey;',
      'emulatePrepare' => true,
      'username' => 'limesurvey',
      'password' => 'XXX',
      'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
      'tablePrefix' => 'lime_',
    //'session' => array (
    //   'class' => 'application.core.web.DbHttpSession',
    //   'connectionID' => 'db',
    //   'sessionTableName' => '{{sessions}}',
    'urlManager' => array(
      'urlFormat' => 'path',
      'rules' => array(),
      'showScriptName' => true,
    'request' => array(
      'baseUrl' => '',
      'hostInfo' => '',
    'mysqlEngine' => 'MyISAM',

I create a config.php and used the hostInfo entry like you said, however I still can't upload any pictures as I have the same problem as before, how did you fix it?

strickes avatar Mar 26 '24 14:03 strickes

@strickes I haven't tried image uploads itself. But at least for me my settings are slightly different.

  • showScriptName set to false
  • baseUrl is removed
  • publicurl is set to the same as hostInfo minus the trailing slash

Maybe try that modifications and see if it solves it?

fkrauthan avatar Mar 26 '24 16:03 fkrauthan

@strickes I haven't tried image uploads itself. But at least for me my settings are slightly different.

  • showScriptName set to false
  • baseUrl is removed
  • publicurl is set to the same as hostInfo minus the trailing slash

Maybe try that modifications and see if it solves it?

thank you so much! This absolutely did the trick and worked like a charm. Now I can finally upload pictures and attachments to the surveys

strickes avatar Mar 26 '24 17:03 strickes

Hey, I had the same issue (limesurvey 6.4 to 6.5). It seems like the only needed modification for me is removing 'baseUrl', no need to set publicurl/hostInfo or set showScriptName to false. My config.php is as follows :

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
return array(
  'components' => array(
    'db' => array(
      'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=lime-db;port=3306;dbname=limesurvey;',
      'emulatePrepare' => true,
      'username' => 'limesurvey',
      'password' => 'limesurvey',
      'charset' => 'utf8mb4',
      'tablePrefix' => 'lime_',
    //'session' => array (
    //   'class' => 'application.core.web.DbHttpSession',
    //   'connectionID' => 'db',
    //   'sessionTableName' => '{{sessions}}',
    'urlManager' => array(
      'urlFormat' => 'path',
      'rules' => array(), 
      'showScriptName' => true,
    'mysqlEngine' => 'MyISAM',

GuillaumeV-cemea avatar Apr 09 '24 13:04 GuillaumeV-cemea