Marten de Vries

Results 40 comments of Marten de Vries

To do that, you should basically be able to call .setSeamlessAuthRemoteDB(), pause all other calls until the promise it returns resolves, and then you can use the pouchdb-seamless-auth methods. No...

Nice find. The whole semi-replication mechanism is a bit sketchy, but this would at least be an improvement. PR welcome.

The current way of handling multiple hubs works, but it's a bit of a hack. It would be better to define the tasks only once. The overhead of passing in...

Sounds interesting! Being able to swap out Celery for something else altogether is a bit wider in scope than the issue discussed here, but I would love for Flask-WebSub to...

Weird, that's never been a problem before.

You can indeed take ```` as a starting point. In your case, ``app.config['SERVER_NAME'] = ''``. Yes, you'll get notified of changes using on_topic_change. I'd also monitor ``on_success`` and ``on_error``. The...

While you could no doubt use the information in the AST to build more informative error messages which include the source code lines, that would likely incur a performance cost....

`{docs: []}` is the old syntax, since it's in the test file & doesn't print a warning it's probably not going to go away any time soon, but it's not...

@AGBrown Some good examples of 'other' errors are in the PouchDB constructor: . On top of that, there are native adapter errors. E.g.: ``` marten@procyon:~/git/pouchdb$ node > var PouchDB...

The documentation often doesn't contain all the allowed forms, just to keep the whole thing understandable. Supplying a rev in the options might have been added for backwards compatibility or...