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Web framework plugins for apispec (formally in apispec.ext).

Results 10 apispec-webframeworks issues
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updates: - [github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit: v0.4.2 → v0.4.3](https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit/compare/v0.4.2...v0.4.3)

I cannot use `spec.path` without providing `view`. In `flask.py`: ```python def path_helper( self, path: Optional[str] = None, operations: Optional[dict] = None, parameters: Optional[List[dict]] = None, *, view: Optional[Union[Callable[..., Any], "RouteCallable"]]...

# Flask DocumentBlueprint Is a blueprint which adds all views defined in it to the spec. You can ommit one view from being added to the spec setting `documented=False` in...

Hi. We are unable to define common parameters for all operations under single path by setting `parameters` block in handler's class docstring. More on common [parameters](https://swagger.io/docs/specification/describing-parameters/).

**Issue by [mathewmarcus](https://github.com/mathewmarcus)** _Thursday Jan 18, 2018 at 21:14 GMT_ _Originally opened as https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec/issues/181_ ---- The [Flask documentation](http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.12/views/#method-views-for-apis) gives a use case - for RESTful APIs - where a single...

feedback welcome

`pkg_resources` (part of `setuptools`) is [imported](https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec-webframeworks/blob/91c4e2ccd85ce6a245a7911ad8f9f7b90ffde3bc/src/apispec_webframeworks/__init__.py#L1), but the dependency is missing. Would it be possible to add it?

**Issue by [deckar01](https://github.com/deckar01)** _Wednesday Apr 27, 2016 at 17:42 GMT_ _Originally opened as https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec/issues/68_ ---- I have organized my views with Flask blueprints, but am unable to document them in...

ready to claim

**Issue by [p0psicles](https://github.com/p0psicles)** _Monday Dec 11, 2017 at 19:41 GMT_ _Originally opened as https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec/issues/176_ ---- I'm trying to use apispec icw the 'apispec.ext.tornado' and 'apispec.ext.marshmallow' plugins. Only i'm getting the...


**Issue by [sloria](https://github.com/sloria)** _Monday Jul 30, 2018 at 00:44 GMT_ _Originally opened as https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec/issues/257_ ---- From #246: > Also the web framework path helpers deal with operations quite a lot,...

help wanted

**Issue by [lafrech](https://github.com/lafrech)** _Wednesday Apr 04, 2018 at 13:39 GMT_ _Originally opened as https://github.com/marshmallow-code/apispec/issues/193_ ---- _Although json objects are not ordered, some tools respect the order in the OpanAPI json...

help wanted
feedback welcome