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Connect your Feathers API to the elegant data store for Vue
The type signature of the countInStore-service-method is ```TypeScript countInStore(params?: MaybeRef): Paginated ``` [src/create-pinia-service.ts line 179](https://github.com/marshallswain/feathers-pinia/blob/main/src/create-pinia-service.ts#L179) Yet the implementation returns just a number, which equals to the total amount of records...
If a clonedInstance has: { updatedProperty: test } originalInstance has { updatedProperty: null } Calling clonedInstance.reset() or originalInstance.clone() will not reset updatedProperty back to null and it remains as "test"....
Spent a bit of time wondering why this wasn't respecting the default limit of feathers service backend. After looking through code repo, found out that feathers pinia config needs the...
sample when createPiniaClient ``` services: { serviceName: { methods: [ 'find', 'customMethod1', 'customMehod2'], } } ```
I am new to feathers and having trouble understanding data modelling and services section of the docs. With the new dove v5 feathers typed client bundle, I am able to...
Hi! I want to mock a feathers socket server. I was thiking of doing it on the feathers-client / socket.io transport declarations maybe and completely skip network and sockets but...
While setup Feathers Pinia v3 I'm losing custom methods. Setup below: ```javascript export default defineNuxtPlugin((nuxt) => { const storageKey = 'feathers-jwt' const host = (import.meta.env.VITE_MYAPP_API_URL as string) || 'http://localhost:3030' const...
Hello Community, I've found an issue with using useFind. In short, when executing the code in Exhibit 1, feathers-pinia successfully queries my backend server which returns the results. However, the...
Hello Community, In version 4.1.1, the useFind hybrid method does not update the local store for created, patched and removed events. I was able to get it to work by...
Using version 4.0.0 and Feathers 5.0.8 with WebSockets. This is probably due to me using the module wrong, but I have a very simple situation that already does (almost) nothing:...