Protobuffer_UE4 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Protobuffer_UE4 copied to clipboard

has link google protobuffer in unreal engine 4's plugin

google protobuf in ue4.16

this is a ue4 plugin , you only copy this protobuffer plugin in your project's plugins directory.

and a test.proto file have used in plugin , you can see ProtoBufferLibrary.cpp in plugin.

protobuf version is 3.5.1

[tip]: have a "" in "Protobuffer_UE4\ProtoBuffer\ThirdParty\lib\Debug",you must unzip by self





update !!!

1.can use dynamic decode .proto file , not need contain some .h and .cc files.

2.add json plugin to handle data in bp, it looks [pic], so you only to use json struct , don't care protobuf how to do.

you can look the code eg that how to do it.
