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All atom force field file generation
Thank you for your great software and helpful issue responses. I am having trouble generating a valid .ff file for an all-atom model of nitrile butadiene, acrylonitrile-butadiene copolymer. I would like to use parameters from https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b09690 to build my copolymer systems. These parameters are in an OPLS style. Please could you assist?
Many thanks.
Hi @saabirpetker,
It should be easy enough to generate the ff-input files so you can use polyply. I've three questions before:
- Have you already tried generating an ff-file and could you share your progress?
- Are these the same as default OPLS parameters or specially adopted? I didn't have time to read the entire paper
- Are you interested in blocky copolymers or any kind of random mixing of the two units?
Hi @saabirpetker,
Hi @fgrunewald I've only just seen this now despite living on this repo for 2 weeks - not sure how I missed it!
I've been up to solving my above problem, at least rudimentarily, to understand how I can use polyply. The tutorials were great, thanks. Your help would be much appreciated!
It should be easy enough to generate the ff-input files so you can use polyply. I've three questions before:
- Have you already tried generating an ff-file and could you share your progress?
I'll share what I've got... It's quite basic and pretty much all manually done.
Current problems:
I didn't notice the support for dihedrals/pairs across short residues so wrote my own script to input those missing dihedral/pair parameters into my .itp files after generating them with polyply gen_params
Also, I don't have a chemistry background, so I am sure there's a more efficient way of saying this... I am also not sure how to deal with asymmetry in residues and incorporating that linking when building a chain. For example in my case, acrylonitrile, the nitrile group carbon, "CT2" linking to the last carbon in the currently-being-built-chain, and including the associated new '; connections' interactions. I doubt it but is making two residue molecules for "forward"/"backward" facing acrylonitrile what is required?
- Are these the same as default OPLS parameters or specially adopted? I didn't have time to read the entire paper
These are not the same, but they are not far off and I will be looking into using OPLS parameters in the future anyway, so going through that workflow would be helpful nonetheless, if that would be easier for you.
- Are you interested in blocky copolymers or any kind of random mixing of the two units?
I'm just looking at random copolymers.
Thanks for your help, Saabir
@saabirpetker no worries about the delayed response. You're lucky because from tomorrow onwards I'll take a longer vacation.
I've had a look at your input files and they look pretty good. So I think you are simply missing two ingredients to deal with the dihedrals / pairs spanning more than two residues and the head-to-tail vs head-head linkage issue. Here we go:
- I assume the linkage in the backbone is [CT1-CT2]-[CT1-CT2]-[CT1 -CT2]. Within the braces are the residues (i.e. let's consider three). To add a pair or dihedral between the CT2 of the first and the CT1 of the last residue you'd write:
[ link ]
resname "BUT|ACN"
[ atoms ]
CT2 { }
+CT1 { }
+CT2 { }
++CT1 { }
[ dihedrals ]
CT2 +CT1 +CT2 ++CT1 params {"comment": "test"}
[ pairs ]
CT2 ++CT1 1 {"comment": "test"}
[ edges ]
CT2 +CT1
+CT1 +CT2
+CT2 ++CT1
- In order to have head-to-tail or head-to-head linkages, you could define links with edge attributes like so:
[ link ]
resname "BUT|ACN"
[ bonds ]
CT2 +CT1 1 0.1529 224262.400 {"comment": "head-to-tail"}
[ edges ]
CT2 +CT1 {"linktype": "HT"}
[ link ]
resname "BUT|ACN"
[ bonds ]
CT1 +CT1 1 0.1529 224262.400 {"comment": "head-to-head"}
[ edges ]
CT1 +CT1 {"linktype": "HH"}
[ link ]
resname "BUT|ACN"
[ bonds ]
CT2 +CT2 1 0.1529 224262.400 {"comment": "tail-to-tail"}
[ edges ]
CT2 +CT2 {"linktype": "TT"}
[ link ]
resname "BUT|ACN"
[ bonds ]
CT1 +CT2 1 0.1529 224262.400 {"comment": "tail-to-head"}
[ edges ]
CT1 +CT2 {"linktype": "TH"}
Next, you need to use gen_params with a .json sequence graph where the edges are annotated with HH or HT. This tutorial talks a bit about how to do that. To generate I wrote a little script that assigns the different linkages. I used the networkx library. The most important functions are the json export and how to set edge attributes.
You need to do this a bit manually because certain connections are not allowed. For example, you cannot have two heads connecting to the same tail at the same residue. However, you need to double-check if that this script actually does what you need.
import sys
import json
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
nmon = int(sys.argv[1])
g = nx.path_graph(nmon)
for idx, node in enumerate(g.nodes):
resname = np.random.choice(['BUT', 'ACN'])
g.nodes[node]['resid'] = idx+1
g.nodes[node]['resname'] = resname
prev_connect = "none"
allowed_conect = {"H": ["TT", "TH"],
"T": ["HH", "HT"],
"none": ['HH', 'TT', 'HT', 'TH']}
for edge in nx.dfs_edges(g, source=0):
conect = np.random.choice(allowed_conect[prev_connect])
prev_connect = conect[1]
g.edges[edge]['linktype'] = conect
g_json = json_graph.node_link_data(g)
with open("test.json", "w") as file_handle:
json.dump(g_json, file_handle, indent=2)
You can call the code like so:
python gen_graph.py <number of monomers>
It will generate a residue graph with random choices of BTN and ACN and random linkage, but take into account that a head-head cannot follow another head-head. Essentially the idea is to end up with a .json input file that looks like so:
"directed": false,
"multigraph": false,
"graph": {},
"nodes": [
"resname": "BUT",
"seqid": 0,
"id": 0
"resname": "ACN",
"seqid": 0,
"id": 1
"resname": "ACN",
"seqid": 0,
"id": 2
"resname": "ACN",
"seqid": 0,
"id": 3
"resname": "ACN",
"seqid": 0,
"id": 4
"links": [
"source": 0,
"target": 1,
"linktype": "HH"
"source": 1,
"target": 2,
"linktype": "TH"
"source": 2,
"target": 3,
"linktype": "TT"
"source": 3,
"target": 4,
"linktype": "HT"
You can now generate the polymer using the following command:
polyply gen_params -f link.ff ACN.ff BUT.ff -seqf test.json -o test.itp -name test
Enjoy! Please note that I will be back only in March and have limited access to the internet. In the meantime, @ricalessandri might help you out as well.
Thanks @fgrunewald,
I'll give it a go. Have a good holiday!
@saabirpetker did you have any success?
@saabirpetker did you have any success?
@fgrunewald Thank you, yes I have. I could not quite get the ++ notation to work for me - so just wrote a Python script to do the trick, but it is a bit hacky. I should hopefully get back to you on that after my department review this July, when I may be thinking about building new structures...
I was away for quite some time, so I am still validating the NBR structures I have generated - essentially looking for changes in glass transition with changes in ACN residue wt%. This seems to be going well so far!