Mike Arpaia

Results 35 comments of Mike Arpaia

Mmm yes, this would be interesting. The privateEncrypt function actually implements the rsa_private_encrypt function from OpenSSL. It didn't exist in Go so I had to inline it. It would be...

That's pretty funny :) literally implemented the opposite sides of the crypto system

We had to implement this functionality because of a lack of parity in OpenSSL and crypto/rsa. Obviously it was by design to ditch OpenSSL in Go and that has proved...

pull requests welcome!

@spheromak I'm not sure I understand. The knife.rb acts as your config file, no? I guess it would be neat to be able to specify where your knife.rb is, other...

interesting. i just worry that it would a little https://xkcd.com/927/ if we added another way that people could describe their chef configurations, on top of what they already know. thoughts?

gotcha, nice, thanks for bearing with me :)

``` [marpaia@-rue] chef-osx (master):egrep -ir -A1 "^default.*source.*http" ./ | grep -v "\-\-" | awk {'print $3'} | sed 'N;s/\n/ /' | sed 's/"/ /g' | sed 's/ / /g' http://www.dropbox.com/download?plat=mac...

I don't believe so. Do you have any docs on this feature?

I don't actively develop this anymore, but pull requests are always welcome!