tagfs icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tagfs copied to clipboard

Fuse tag file system

tagfs - tag file system

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Tagging Files
  5. Usage
  6. Configuration 6.1) Options 6.1.1) tagFileName 6.1.2) enableValueFilters 6.1.3) enableRootItemLinks
  7. Freebase Integration
  8. Bugs
  9. Further Reading
  10. Contact


tagfs is used to organize your files using tags.

This document contains basic usage instructions for users. To develop or debug tagfs see the README.dev file.


  • python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7
  • Linux kernel with fuse enabled
  • python-fuse installed
  • python-matplotlib


To install tagfs into your home directory type the following:

$ python setup.py test e2e_test install --home ~/.local

If you haven't already extended your local python path then add the following to your environment configuration script. For example to your ~/.bashrc:

$ export PYTHONPATH=~/.local/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH

You may also need to add ~/.local/bin to your PATH environment variable:

$ export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

Tagging Files

Before you can filter anything using tagfs you need to tag your items. An item is a directory which contains a file called .tag. All items must be below one directory.

Let's create a simple item structure.

First we create the root directory for all items: $ mkdir items

Then we create our first item: $ mkdir items/Ted

We tag the 'Ted' item as movie: $ echo movie >> items/Ted/.tag

We also tag 'Ted' as genre comedy: $ echo 'genre: comedy' >> items/Ted/.tag

Then we add a second item: $ mkdir items/banana $ echo fruit >> items/banana/.tag $ echo 'genre: delicious' >> items/banana/.tag

Modifying .tag files using echo, grep, sed may be a little hard sometimes. There are some convenience scripts available through the tagfs-utils project. See https://github.com/marook/tagfs-utils for details.


After installation tagfs can be started the following way.

Mount a tagged directory: $ tagfs -i /path/to/my/items/directory /path/to/my/mount/point

Unmount a tagged directory: $ fusermount -u /path/to/my/mount/point

Right now tagfs reads the taggings only when it's getting mounted. So if you modify the tags after mounting you will not see any changes in the tagfs file system.

In general tagfs will try to reduce the number of filter directories below the virtual file system. That's why you may not see some filters which would not reduce the number of selected items.


tagfs can be configured through configuration files. Configuration files are searched in different locations by tagfs. The following locations are used. Locations with higher priority come first:

  • /.tagfs/tagfs.conf
  • ~/.tagfs/tagfs.conf
  • /etc/tagfs/tagfs.conf

Right now the following configuration options are supported.

Configuration - Options - tagFileName

Through this option the name of the parsed tag files can be specified. The default value is '.tag'.


[global] tagFileName = ABOUT

Configuration - Options - enableValueFilters

You can enable or disable value filters. If you enable value filters you will see filter directories for each tag value. For value filters the tag's context can be anyone. The default value is 'false'.


[global] enableValueFilters = true

Configuration - Options - enableRootItemLinks

To show links to all items in the tagfs '/' directory enable this option. The default value is 'false'.


[global] enableRootItemLinks = true

Freebase Integration

Freebase is an open graph of people, places and things. See http://www.freebase.com/ for details. tagfs allows you to extend your own taggings with data directly from the freebase graph.

WARNING! Freebase support is currently experimental. It is very likely that the freebase syntax within the .tag files will change in future releases of tagfs.

In order to use freebase you need to install the freebase-python bindings. They are available via https://code.google.com/p/freebase-python/

To extend an item's taggings with freebase data you have to add a freebase query to the item's .tag file. Here's an example:

_freebase: {"id": "/m/0clpml", "type": "/fictional_universe/fictional_character", "name": null, "occupation": null}

tagfs uses the freebase MQL query format which is described below the following link http://wiki.freebase.com/wiki/MQL

The query properties with null values are added as context/tag pairs to the .tag file's item.

Generic freebase mappings for all items can be specified in the file '/.tagfs/freebase'. Every line is one freebase query. You can reference tagged values via the '$' operator. Here's an example MQL query with some demo .tag files:

/.tagfs/freebase: {"type": "/film/film", "name": "$name", "genre": null, "directed_by": null}

/Ted/.tag: name: Ted

/Family Guy/.tag: name: Family Guy

When mounting this example the genre and director will be fetched from freebase and made available as filtering directories.


Viewing existing and reporting new bugs can be done via the github issue tracker: https://github.com/marook/tagfs/issues

Further Reading

Using a file system for my bank account (Markus Pielmeier) http://pielmeier.blogspot.com/2010/08/using-file-system-for-my-bank-account.html


  • homepage: http://wiki.github.com/marook/tagfs
  • author: Markus Peröbner [email protected]