### Additional Information #### Version of s3fs being used (s3fs --version) ``` Amazon Simple Storage Service File System V1.91 (commit:unknown) with OpenSSL Copyright (C) 2010 Randy Rizun License GPL2: GNU...
**Description:** The polling mode fails with the following exception when using PostgreSQL database: ``` ERROR {} - Error occurred while processing records in table AM_APPLICATION. {mode=polling, app=xxx, stream=Applications} org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR:...
#### Environment Ubuntu 18.0.4 #### Products version elasticsearch-oss 7.9.1 amd64 opendistroforelasticsearch 1.11.0-1 amd64 opendistro-security amd64 opendistroforelasticsearch-kibana 1.11.0 amd64 #### Issue We configured authentication through an external identity provider via...
**Description:** We have installed a distribuited deployment (Pattern 2), with two Analytics Worker instances. Everything seems working fine but, database side, the following error occurrs periodically: ``` 2021-03-24 14:17:07 UTC...
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