FastLED_examples copied to clipboard
Color palette half working
I am usig this code for a project with an arduino uno and a ws2812b strip with 17 leds, I am trying to set the color palette to just marquee through cyan and green. But what this does is it first cycles through the colors I specified, and then continues showing random colors. Do you have any idea how to fix this?
Modified code:
// Moving colored bars
// Original code by Richard Bailey, Feb. 2017
// Modified to allow a few other options (which might be
// useful for Christmas!)
// You'll probably need to adjust stuff for longer strips. I only
// tested with a tiny 32 pixel setup.
// Marc Miller, Dec 2017
#include "FastLED.h"
#define DATA_PIN 13
// #define CLK_PIN 13
#define LED_TYPE WS2811
#define NUM_LEDS 17
CRGBArray<NUM_LEDS> leds;
#define FRAME_DELAY 80 //How fast to move (milliseconds)
/* Specify your colors and the order of those colors.
You can create a longer section of a single color by
listing it several times (such as green in this first
Note: I used Grey instead of White here so it's not
as bright compared to the other colors.
long colorPallet[] = {CRGB::Green,CRGB::Cyan,CRGB::Green,CRGB::Cyan,CRGB::Green,CRGB::Cyan,CRGB::Green,CRGB::Cyan,CRGB::Green,CRGB::Cyan,};
//long colorPallet[] = {CRGB::Black,CRGB::Green,CRGB::Red};
//long colorPallet[] = {CRGB::Green,CRGB::Red};
//long colorPallet[] = {CRGB::Black,CRGB::Blue,CRGB::Yellow,CRGB::Purple}; //Black can be used too of course.
const int numberofColors = sizeof(colorPallet)/sizeof(int); //Auto calculate your specified number of color bars
/* Play with setting the colorBarLength in different ways for slightly different effects. */
int colorBarLength = 10; //Some specific length
//int colorBarLength = NUM_LEDS-1; //The full strip length per color
//int colorBarLength = NUM_LEDS/2; //Half the strip length per color
//int colorBarLength = NUM_LEDS/numberofColors; //Strip length divided by number of colors
int frameCounter; //These don't need to be changed
int palletPosition;
int colorBarPosition = 1;
bool clearLEDS = false;
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Allows serial monitor output (check baud rate)
delay(1500); // startup delayCLK_PIN
//FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE,DATA_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
FastLED.addLeds<LED_TYPE,DATA_PIN,COLOR_ORDER>(leds, NUM_LEDS).setCorrection(TypicalLEDStrip);
Serial.println("Setup done. \n");
void loop() {
for (int x=0; x<NUM_LEDS-1; x++)
leds[x] = leds[x+1];
if (clearLEDS)
leds[NUM_LEDS-1] = colorPallet[palletPosition];
if ((colorBarPosition <= colorBarLength) && !clearLEDS)
leds[NUM_LEDS-1] = colorPallet[palletPosition];
if ((palletPosition == numberofColors-1) && (colorBarPosition > colorBarLength) && !clearLEDS)
palletPosition = 0;
colorBarPosition = 1;
clearLEDS= true;
if ((colorBarPosition > colorBarLength) && !clearLEDS)
colorBarPosition = 1;
palletPosition = palletPosition+1;
//if (clearLEDS && !leds(0,NUM_LEDS-1)) //Not using this for of test any more
if (clearLEDS && leds[0]==(CRGB)(colorPallet[numberofColors-1])) //restarts as soon as last color makes it past the end
//Serial.print( leds[0].r ); Serial.print("\t"), Serial.print( leds[0].g ); Serial.print("\t"), Serial.println( leds[0].b ); //Print out RGB colors it's triggering on
clearLEDS = false;
// Add option to run in reverse direction
// Make some hot chocolate
Have you tried simply listing the two colors like this?
long colorPallet[] = {CRGB::Green,CRGB::Cyan};
There's no reason to repeat them so many times if you're not doing something unique with the pattern.
And what happens if you change colorBarLength to 8?
I have tried that, but if I have them only one, the strip will go green and cyan once, an d then start changing into other colors. The colorBarLength 8 makes the bars shorter but still won't fix the color issue's
I may have messed something up. Won't be able to test/look into it for a number of days though.
Thats fine, take your time. Just let me know when you have figured it out!
Hello @Tornado-F5 I've made an updated version of moving_colored_bars
Let me know if this works any better for you!
Closing for now. Comment again if you run into an issue.