Zip icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Zip copied to clipboard

Swift framework for zipping and unzipping files.

Results 110 Zip issues
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If the URL's for unzipped files don't start with "file://" they can cause problems if they are passed into other parts of iOS (eg share sheets). Changing the URL constructor...

zipData function send its progress to the progressHandler, but when finished, it sends a progress value of 1.0 (process completed) twice... one inside the loop and the other one after...

If I have a zip file that is a zipped folder, the name of the zip file becomes the folder name, using standard archiving tools, i.e. OSX compress. When unzipping...

I built the project via Carthage, and upon adding it to my project I get a compile time error: Error: Redefinition of module 'minizip' in the following block: module minizip...

This: `.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.1"))` Should be change to this: `.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "2.1.0"))` SPM requires a PATCH version.

Dozens and dozens of compilation errors for the 2.1.1 release with cocoapods and XCode 12


I pulled the framework via cocoapods and built failed with amount of errors about unknown named types. I changed the Zip-framework's Build Phases in Pods manually, just like the issue...

After several launches of the application, the errors indicated in the picture appeared, I tried to clean the project and reinstall it still did not help. How to fix?

Hi, I can't open any zip file after zipping it with password. Not on mac or Pc..