netintercept icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
netintercept copied to clipboard

S3 PutObject client packets missing

Open mattfysh opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

I am running netintercept inside AWS Lambda and found it works in most use cases. One thing I've just noticed is that when using the S3 PutObject API (via node.js aws-sdk package) the packets representing the object upload are missing, however the HTTP/1.1 200 OK response from the S3 server is present. Any ideas why this could be? thanks!

mattfysh avatar Apr 19 '22 23:04 mattfysh

Hello @mattfysh!

Happy to see that this project can be of help :) For the S3 PutObject API issue, do you have an easy way for me to reproduce? Like a script or some instructions to follow? I am happy to dig into it but I am not a user of AWS so I don't really know how to trigger the problem.

marmeladema avatar May 02 '22 20:05 marmeladema