vue-voting-dapp copied to clipboard
Simple Ethereum voting dApp example, using Vue CLI, Truffle and Web3
Vue Voting dApp
This project was generated with vue-cli version 3.2.1
An Vue truffle voting mechanism dApp.
Sample contract is deployed on the Kovan testnetwork
Project setup
MetaMask and Infura account are both required for this project to work!
I would like to refer to this article for a simple tutorial on how to setup MetaMask and get some free test Ether on your Kovan account! After that you have your ETH address you need for the .env file
Infura is a hosted Ethereum node cluster that lets you run your application without requiring them to set up their own Ethereum node or wallet. Register an account here and require your API key you need for the .env file!
Get ganache-cli and truffle running on your environment
npm install -g truffle ganache-cli
Start ganache-cli
After running this command you should be able to find your MNEMONIC you need for the .env file
Install dependencies
git clone
npm install
Update the .env file
VUE_APP_ETHADDRESS= "your ETH address"
MNEMONIC= "your ganache MNEMONIC"
INFURA_API_KEY= "your infura key"
Run the development server
npm run serve
Compile your own smart contracts
Add your smart contract to the /contracts folder
Compile the contract
truffle compile
Migrate your contract to the ropsten network
truffle migrate --network ropsten
Change the current address to your deployed contract address
let myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(
"Your deployed contract address"