Marlon James
Marlon James
It can be, but that means ONLY Verilator 4.106 is supported, since 4.108 has the change that breaks cocotb.
The 1.3 release notes had a caveat on Verilator support ( We may want to add something like that to the Simulator Support page (or do #2097).
Yes the point is to change the name and refer to cancelling a task. Brings the language in line with `asyncio` and `trio`.
It would take some work, as `kill` just calls `Scheduler._unschedule`, which doesn't run the `Task`'s coroutine again.
cocotb has accumulated a lot of deprecations over the past few versions. We try not to break things on minor versions, so 2.0 should get rid of those, plus some...
If you run cocotb with environment variable `COCOTB_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG`, you should get more verbose logging of the VPI layer.
Regarding VPI, I'm sure that it has incomplete support. We would welcome a PR to add `vpiPackedArrayNet` support.
Questa doesn't support `vhpiCbRepStartOfPostponed` yet. Riviera also has some issue:
Questa 2021.3 doesn't support `vhpiCbRepStartOfPostponed`.
Since you are using conda, make sure you have the right tools installed before installing cocotb: `conda install -c msys2 m2-base m2-make` That should install a working version of...