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This project implements different Deep Autoencoder for Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation Systems in Keras
Deep AutoEncoders for Collaborative Filtering
Collaborative Filtering is a method used by recommender systems to make predictions about an interest of an specific user by collecting taste or preferences information from many other users. The technique of Collaborative Filtering has the underlying assumption that if a user A has the same taste or opinion on an issue as the person B, A is more likely to have B’s opinion on a different issue.
This project implements different Deep Autoencoder for Collaborative Filtering for Recommendation Systems in Keras based on different articles. The test case uses the Steam Platform interactions dataset to recommend games for users.
Deep AutoEncoders for Collaborative Filtering
- Requirements
Getting Started
- Datasets
- Data Preparation
Model Training
Implemented Recommender Models
- 1. Popularity Model
- 2. CDAE - Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoders for Top-N Recommender Systems
- 3. Deep AutoEncoder for Collaborative Filtering
- 4. Deep AutoEncoder for Collaborative Filtering With Content Information
- Training Results
Implemented Recommender Models
- Evaluation
- Recommender
- Rerefences
Create a conda env from conda.yaml
- python=3.6
- cloudpickle=0.6.1
- numpy=1.16.4
- pandas=0.24.2
- scikit-learn=0.20.1
- seaborn=0.9
- click=6.7
- tensorflow-gpu==2.0
- scipy=1.2.1
- graphviz
- pydotplus
Getting Started
This project uses MLflow for reproducibility, model training and dependency management. Install mlflow before:
$ pip install mlflow
$ git clone
The dataset used in this project is Steam-Vide-Games obtained from
This dataset is a list of user behaviors, with columns:user_id
, game
, type
, hours
, none
. The type included are 'purchase' and 'play'. The value indicates the degree to which the behavior was performed - in the case of 'purchase' the value is always 1, and in the case of 'play' the value represents the number of hours the user has played the game.
user_id | game | type | hours | none |
151603712 | "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" | purchase | 1.0 | 0 |
151603712 | "The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim" | play | 273.0 | 0 |
151603712 | "Fallout 4" | purchase | 1.0 | 0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Data Preparation
The data preparation process transforms the original dataset, groups the implicit feedbacks and interactions, and creates specific datasets for training and model testing.
$ mlflow run . -e data_preparation -P min_interactions=5 -P test_size=0.2
Datasets created:
- ./data/articles_df.csv
- ./data/interactions_full_df.csv
- ./data/interactions_train_df.csv (Subset of 'interactions_full_df.csv' for train)
- ./data/interactions_test_df.csv (Subset of 'interactions_full_df.csv' for test)
contain the data exclusively of the items (games).
content_id | game | total_users | total_hours |
0 | 007 Legends | 1 | 1.7 |
1 | 0RBITALIS | 3 | 4.2 |
contain the data of interactions between user X item, amount of hours played (hours) and played (view) as implicit feedback.
user_id | content_id | game | hours | view |
134 | 1680 | Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon | 2.2 | 1 |
2219 | 1938 | Gone Home | 1.2 | 1 |
3315 | 3711 | Serious Sam 3 BFE | 3.7 | 1 |
Model Training
Parameter --name
indicates the model to be trained. Depending on the model some parameters have no effect.
Usage: mlflow run . [OPTIONS]
Train Autoencoder Matrix Fatorization Model
--name [auto_enc|cdae|auto_enc_content]
--factors INTEGER
--layers TEXT
--epochs INTEGER
--batch INTEGER
--activation [relu|elu|selu|sigmoid]
--dropout FLOAT
--lr FLOAT
--reg FLOAT
Implemented Recommender Models
This is an adapted implementation of the original article, simplifying some features for a better understanding of the models.
1. Popularity Model
This model makes recommendations using the most popular games, the ones that had the most purchases in a period. This recommendation is not personalized, that is, it is the same for all users
This is a Base Model that will be used to compare with AutoEncoders Models.
Run training:
$ mlflow run . -e popularity_train
2. CDAE - Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoders for Top-N Recommender Systems
Yao Wu, Christopher DuBois, Alice X. Zheng, Martin Ester. Collaborative Denoising Auto-Encoders for Top-N Recommender Systems. The 9th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM'16), p153--162, 2016.
Run training:
$ mlflow run . \
-P activation=selu \
-P batch=64 \
-P dropout=0.8 \
-P epochs=50 \
-P factors=500 \
-P lr=0.0001 \
-P name=cdae \
-P reg=0.0001
3. Deep AutoEncoder for Collaborative Filtering
KUCHAIEV, Oleksii; GINSBURG, Boris. Training deep autoencoders for collaborative filtering. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.01715, 2017.
Run training:
$ mlflow run . \
-P activation=selu \
-P batch=64 \
-P dropout=0.8 \
-P epochs=50 \
-P layers='[512,256,512]' \
-P lr=0.0001 \
-P name=auto_enc_content \
-P reg=0.01
4. Deep AutoEncoder for Collaborative Filtering With Content Information
This model is an adaptation of the model presented previously, but adding content information. In this way the model is a Hybrid implementation.
In this model I add the 'game name' of all games that the user has already played as additional information for collaborative filtering. This is a way to add content information to the user level.
$ mlflow run . \
-P activation=selu \
-P batch=64 \
-P dropout=0.8 \
-P epochs=50 \
-P layers='[512,256,512]' \
-P lr=0.0001 \
-P name=auto_enc \
-P reg=0.01
Training Results
After the trained model, the artifacts (model, metrics, graphics, logs) will be saved in ./mlruns/0/<UID>/
If you want to run the training for all models, run the script $ ./
All models were evaluated with different RecSys metrics. After train use Mlflow to view metrics in UI.
$ mlflow ui
Uses a trained AutoEncoder (--model_path
) to recommend games for the user (´--user_id´).
Usage: mlflow run . -e recommender [OPTIONS]
Recommender Matrix Fatorization Model
--name [auto_enc|cdae|auto_enc_content]
--model_path TEXT
--user_id INTEGER
--topn INTEGER
--view INTEGER (Recommend items already viewed)
--output TEXT
$ mlflow run . -e recommender \
-P name='auto_enc' \
-P model_path='mlruns/0/<UID>/artifacts/auto_enc' \
-P topn=10 \
-P view=0 \
-P user_id=25
score content_id game
0 1.029705 2457 Left 4 Dead 2
1 1.013235 2326 Just Cause 2
2 0.979504 975 Counter-Strike Global Offensive
3 0.979452 4675 Trine 2
4 0.909918 2355 Killing Floor
5 0.904026 2690 Metro 2033
6 0.897048 2063 Half-Life Opposing Force
7 0.892517 2061 Half-Life Blue Shift
8 0.857984 4240 Terraria
9 0.840588 2055 Half-Life 2