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f0 estimation in silent period

Open james20141606 opened this issue 4 years ago • 3 comments

Hi, I have a question when I use CREPE to estimate f0 in human voice dataset. I found that the f0 has fluctuation even in audio's silent period. Is it normal? I am not sure if f0 should be constant during silent period. Is it because CREPE is not suitable in estimating human voice? I also found in this literature that female f0 should be around 186 but I got around 220 here, and sometimes even higher (300). 截屏2020-06-18 23 24 12

james20141606 avatar Jun 19 '20 03:06 james20141606

Hi, this is expected because the CREPE model is only trained for pitch accuracy and not voice activity detection.

Although you could devise a heuristic based on the confidence metrics, please note that the model has never seen silence during training and may not classify all silence as "low confidence".

Detecting when exactly there is a pitched sound is nontrivial and studied with the keywords such as voice activity detection (related: #47).

Regarding the pitch inaccuracy, while it could be an issue with the sample rate (the model expects 16kHz audio) or simply it is making a wrong prediction, I believe the 220-260Hz pitch range you have for female voice is normal, as it can depend on the individual and the prosody of the utterance you're using. I, for example, am male and can produce between 70Hz and 400Hz. To make sure, you can cross-validate using other pitch tracking methods such as pYIN, SWIPE, or SPICE.

jongwook avatar Jun 19 '20 07:06 jongwook

thanks for the explanation!

I could understand that the pitch should not be zero during the silent period. But it is still not making sense to me that the pitch estimated in silent period is not constant. I tried the sweep.wav included in the repo and it seems that the pitch is constant during silence (but the confidence is also 0?). But for the audio I used, crepe will give a non constant pitch during silent period. I am not sure if it is the correct thing. You said that the model has never seen silence during training, so I am considering that if removing the silent period could give me a better pitch estimation. I also notice that the same audio segment could have different f0 estimation. for this segment, if I include it in a very long audio and estimate f0, or just use this small segment to estimate f0, or delete some silent region to estimate f0, I could get different estimation. I am a little confused about the result image image image

(I could also notice a lag in pitch signal compared with the audio signal, is it common? for example: image )

james20141606 avatar Jun 22 '20 04:06 james20141606

But for the audio I used, crepe will give a non constant pitch during silent period. I am not sure if it is the correct thing.

During silence the model will still do its best to detect whatever in the silent segment, which might just be some static noise from the microphone. So the output may not be always the same during silence. Again, the model wasn't trained on silent audio and will just try to extrapolate what it knows about pitched signal, so its output during silence is not reliable.

You said that the model has never seen silence during training, so I am considering that if removing the silent period could give me a better pitch estimation.

If you have the voicing labels or a good heuristic to get them, you can post-process the outputs to suppress whatever was predicted during silence. This can be done since the model works in a fully convolutional way, and slicing the silent audio won't make a big difference.

I also notice that the same audio segment could have different f0 estimation. for this segment, if I include it in a very long audio and estimate f0, or just use this small segment to estimate f0, or delete some silent region to estimate f0, I could get different estimation. I am a little confused about the result.

Depending on the way the signal was sliced, the 1024-sample segment might be from a different locations, and the model's output might be sensitive to how they're sliced especially on the silent portions. It'll help diagnose the issue if you zero out the predictions during silence.

Also I think it'll help if you plot all graphs w.r.t time (in seconds) as opposed to samples. That'll help identify any misalignments between audio and annotations.

jongwook avatar Jun 22 '20 21:06 jongwook