``` xml ```
The method can be hard to read when the sequence is very long. Maybe the API can be changed to Builder pattern, something like play().sequence().fadeOut().fadeIn(2).on(view) 就是他(我是雷锋的弟弟雷管)做的空间的动态补丁,有问题可以撮他撮他
Text cannot get rendered on mobile browsers, see on mobile for details. Actually, it just renders very slow, and keeps loading for a long time.
Directly show lyric in MusicPlayerActivity 音乐播放界面直接展示歌词,支持切换展示,目前歌词和音乐播放完全是两部分
Download and upload lyric, need website that supports download of lyric.
Add support for lyric file encoding auto-recognize, like shift-jis, gbk, big5, etc. 支持歌词编码自动识别,如UTF-8、GBD、BIG5、SHIFT-JIS
Label question as it is not decided yet(especially whether to use dagger2)