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Improve handling of datetime and object properties
some further suggestions from @Tonic8:
- if a field in an object is a DateType, you can convert it in something InfluxDB will understand:
(dir | select -first1).lastWriteTime | gm
(dir | select -first1).lastWriteTime | get-date -f "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"
(dir | select -first1).lastWriteTime | convertTo-UnixTimeNanoseconds
where fff is millisecond, (talked here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28589520/how-to-store-dates-in-influxdb) and here https://docs.influxdata.com/influxdb/v1.5/query_language/data_exploration/#time-syntax
- if a field in an object is something not a "string" but a internal field, like this in Citrix sdk (extract of get-brokerSession | GM):
ConnectionViaIP NoteProperty string ConnectedViaIP=
ConnectionMode NoteProperty Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.ConnectionMode ConnectionMode=Brokered
- if you pass it, the conversion is going wrong(missing doublequote), user must prepare the field, to convert it as string, before passing it to convertTo-Metric
- example with a Boolean field (it should have double-quote),
$test = New-Object PSObject -Property @{testBoolean=$True}
- below the result from the Write-Influx commande in Verbose
Xendesktop,computer1 testBoolean=true 12345678898
Originally posted by @Tonic8 in https://github.com/markwragg/PowerShell-Influx/issues/15#issuecomment-457372359
we can extend the request to any kind of field (except data/time) to set the result tostring()
this could simplify for example, some fields are not strings but can be converted to string...
PS C:\temp> (dir -file | select -First 1).Directory | gm
TypeName: System.IO.DirectoryInfo
PS C:\temp> (dir -file | select -First 1).Directory.tostring()
PS C:\temp>
PS C:\temp> (dir -file | select -First 1).Directory
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 12/02/2019 20:47 temp
PS C:\temp>