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Making imputation easy

Results 15 simputation issues
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In package specification there is defined that for impute_rhd when pool value is "complete" and "a record has multiple missings, all imputations are taken from a single donor", while it...


Hello I have a problem with the random hot deck in the package simputation I want to impute several variables that are linked (the sum equals 100) with the random...

Hi, I’m getting the following error, and I wonder if you could help me understand its cause: ``` r library(dplyr) library(simputation) kdata Warning: Requested k = 5 while 4 donors...

```r impute_lm(y~x|z, where x > 0) ``` would first select records where `x>0`, fit the model, impute, and return the whole dataset.


Regarding our brief conversation after your tutorial:

the impute_pmm method uses the distance between donor and imputed values while it should use distance between predicted donor values and imputed values. Example provided by Susie Jentoft by e-mail:...


yep. should add it.


Ratio imputation is based on a weighted single regressio regression Y = bX with weights 1/X. Would be nice to have a `impute_ratio` function. Also `lm` makes a different choice...


by predicting with `predict.all=TRUE` we get the matrix of predictions. Row-wise aggergation can be customized (but it may cost a lot of memory as the matrix of predictions equals nrow(newdata)...
