Mark Rickert
Mark Rickert
Can you see if this is still an issue with `"expo-three": "^8.0.0",`?
@obasille look in the examples and you'll find the code to mitigate the `pixelStorei` issue!
@Josema I'm working on this! Check out my branch here and let me know if it works for you! You can try it in your project by making the package.json...
Version 8.0.0 has landed with `0.166.0` support!
I had this problem today with the latest expo-asset. Try this: ```tsx class LocalIconMesh extends Mesh { constructor() { super(); this.geometry = new BoxGeometry(1, 1, 1); const loader = new...
Hi @orange4glace, sorry for the late reply. I just added an example in my updated fork. Everything is up to date in my implementation with three 0.166.0 and expo sdk...
Oh Jesus. FML. Lol
I bet there's an NSLocale property that might help with that. I'll investigate.
I stumbled upon my solution to my react-native problem in this thread. I want the websocket to disconnect when the app is in the background and reconnect when the app...
:+1: I'm getting this same issue.