Bed_Distance_sensor copied to clipboard
Bed Distance Sensor data error2:10.24
Need a little help here.
i have flashed the firmware several times and finally got it to install w/o throwing a warning about the firmware being dirty and needing to be updated.
now that that is out of the way i am getting issues when i check the connection and i get Bed Distance Sensor data error2:10.24.
i have the type M sensor and it is installed the same way as pictured in the github example.
my mainboard is an Octopus 1.1 the BD config section is as follows: [BDsensor]
Don't use aliases for the board pins
sda_pin: PE15 scl_pin: PE14 delay: 20 # you can set it 10 if the BDsensor version is >=1.2 z_offset:0 # within -0.6 to 0.6mm x_offset: 0 y_offset: 20 no_stop_probe: # fast probe that the toolhead will not stop at the probe point,disable it by commenting out. position_endstop: 1.2 #the triggered position, recommend value is 1~2.8 collision_homing:0 # set it 1 to enable homing with nozzle collision sensing. collision_calibrate:0 # set it 1 to enable auto calibrate BDsensor with nozzle collision sensing. #QGL_Tilt_Probe:0 #set 1 to enable probe up and down when do quad_gantry_level
the cable is securely connected to the exp1 module. [board_pins] aliases: # EXP1 header EXP1_1=PE8, EXP1_2=PE7, EXP1_3=PE9, EXP1_4=PE10, EXP1_5=PE12, EXP1_6=PE13, # Slot in the socket on this side EXP1_7=PE14, EXP1_8=PE15, EXP1_9=<GND>, EXP1_10=<5V>,
i thought everything was done correctly
any idea what i missed? i literally just spent over 2 hours trying to figure this out.