foxygestures copied to clipboard
"Download Settings > Save" defaults to index.json as filename (Linux)
In Windows backing up leads to an opening dialog defaulting to save as "foxyGestures.YYY-MM-DD.json". The behavior I see in Linux is different:
Download settings displays the json file in firefox. Clicking Save suggests "index.json" as filename
For the life of me I cannot make OSX (and probably Linux) present the file for download instead of opening it inline in the browser. I've tried every method I can find including copying almost verbatim the method used by uBlock (here and here) and it just doesn't work in OSX for me. Meanwhile, uBlock presents the file to me just fine so I am really confused about where the difference lies.
With the Inspector ev
, adblock button clearly shows this line but foxygesture one shows some complex angular.min.js
It makes hard to debug for at least me X(
Maybe this sample using Angular and HTML5 download will help you: