WinLess copied to clipboard
An awesome Windows GUI for less.js
hi When i open Winless it tells me there is an new version installed...2.2.0 Yes please update, then it say you have been updated from 1.8.1 to 1.6.0 Doing it...
Project status (5 Nov 2014) WinLess 1.x is now in maintenance mode. This means that at this time no feature requests will be accepted. Bug reports are still welcome, but...
Next media-querie: @media (max-width: 725px) { ... } is compiled as: @media screen and (min-width: 725px) and (max-width: 725px) { ... }
Hi, I use a structure of less files and compile just a "main.less" (which imports all other). The change let the compiler be trigger on any change in other files.