One of the guys responding said something about AM use. Clearly must be in DC because that's the only HD Radio AM station available 820 WWFD). I should tell him/her...
Correction. Just read that 1230 WFAS in White Plains, NY just applied to go all-digital. Hopefully that's not squashed by 1210 by you and you might have an opportunity to...
Check that... it's a 1kw daytimer. Good luck with that.
Didn't mean to imply 1210 was digital, just that it might interfere with picking up 1230 from White Plains. All-digital AM stations don't have sidebands that straddle a main AM...
The window size is usually driven by the font size. Have you tried dropping the font size to something smaller?
FYI: I added an argument when calling that lets you specify the path to nrsc5(.exe). Needs a final slash, but I think I should make it add it if...
'Open Device Failed' is usually the message nrsc5 generates when it can't open a usb channel to the radio. That may not necessarily mean the usb is bad, just that...
Having said all that, if you can get nrsc5 running from a command window, and generate status messages without nrsc5-dui or even audio, then you're most of the way there....
rtl_tcp has to be running in the background and listening for a specific IP address, for example: `rtl_tcp -a` In nrsc5-dui's settings, there should be the RTL_TCP IP. Enter...
Heh... that's cheating, but those two things are basically the equivalent of what's in Settings.