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A series of notebooks describing how to use YOLO (darkflow) in python

Results 41 YOLO-series issues
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How to get the output label and confidence detected to be held in variables so that I can further process them programmatically? Simply overlay label and confidence of object in...

The entire setup is very very slow, other CNN algorithms are fast enough but this one is very slow, even using the same code as given here. Please help

> darkflow-master\darkflow\utils\pascal_voc_clean_xml This file raises the bad character range i-a at position "xxx" error. I am attaching the gist file (Log of error output) [here](https://github.com/thtrieu/darkflow/issues/439). I tested the work-around given...

While i run this script: import os import urllib.request as ulib from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup import json url_a = 'https://www.google.com/search?ei=1m7NWePfFYaGmQG51q7IBg&hl=en&q={}' url_b = '\&tbm=isch&ved=0ahUKEwjjovnD7sjWAhUGQyYKHTmrC2kQuT0I7gEoAQ&start={}' url_c = '\&yv=2&vet=10ahUKEwjjovnD7sjWAhUGQyYKHTmrC2kQuT0I7gEoAQ.1m7NWePfFYaGmQG51q7IBg' url_d =...

Hey Mark, Nice video you got there. Followed them and now I have a working plug and play object detection system. What I wanted to know about, what should I...

When trying to use flow to load an mp4 video to process I get the following error: It looks like it's trying to use a camera and not load the...

I keep getting the error that darkflow has not been installed as a module which I get but I can't seem to get it to install. The From Darkflow... this...

![30550817_2139762006254950_1514955729_o](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38440453/39059983-5a8164ee-44c0-11e8-824e-6873eacaee0d.png) what are we doing in this error?

I did exactly what you wrote, and I have issue. # define the model options and run options = { 'model': 'cfg/yolo.cfg', 'load': 'bin/yolo.weights', 'threshold': 0.3, 'gpu': 1 } tfnet...

First of all, thank you very much for your code. It is very clear and very useful. I was able to run it perfectly, and works fine, but for the...