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Implements a Refresh Token system over Json Web Tokens in Symfony

Results 86 JWTRefreshTokenBundle issues
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this must add to configuration even when using Doctrine user provider ``` gesdinet_jwt_refresh_token: user_provider: security.user.provider.concrete.user_provider ``` the name of provider that you put in security.yaml must be the same one...

Hi, lookslike the new version 0.8 doesn't fix all errors. Now, when I require the library I get that: The mapping file /xxx/vendor/gesdinet/jwt-refresh-token-bundle/Resources/config/mongodb/doctrine-document/RefreshToken.mongodb.xml is invalid: !! Line 8:0: Element '{http://doctrine-project.org/schemas/odm/doctrine-mongo-...

In my project (Symfony 4.3, PHP 7.3, `api-platform/core v2.5.0`, `api-platform/api-pack v1.2.0`), I use `doctrine/orm v2.4.5` to access an existing user database and `doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle v4.0.0`, `doctrine/mongodb-odm v2.0.1` to work with the...

Hi, When I call /api/token/refresh, the response is 401. The request: `curl -X POST \ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -H 'Postman-Token: 484cd44f-3646-4052-b9d4-2a9ce1c4fb0b' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -d...

Hi, I encountered an issue, where I use event listeners to hydrate a filed on each request. With the flush at this point, my entity was updated in database (on...

with lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle I can decode login_check response and get both access_token and expire_time and can check if token expired without making any calls to server how can I know when...

Hello, I would like to update the new token with the previous version of the token. In fact, when I log on my website, the token contains the default year...

Hello there eveyrone, First of all i would like to thank you for this great library :) I have couple of questions (I might be just stupid or tired but...

I am using this bundle and it works perfectly and is easy to installe (great work guys ! Thanks !) Anyway, i've noticed that tokens are actually stored in plain...

I'm using Symfony 4.*, and want to get a refresh token in my own controller and not with the default method, is this posible. Or with the default configuration need...