Results 29 issues of Mark Gibbons

Using Sitecore Forms Extensions for SC10.1-4.0.2 , EXM click tracking returns this: [InvalidOperationException: Unable to resolve service for type 'Sitecore.XConnect.Segmentation.ExpressionBuilder.IContactSearchExpressionBuilder' while attempting to activate 'Sitecore.ListManagement.XConnect.ContactSourceFactory'.] Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ServiceLookup.CallSiteFactory.CreateArgumentCallSites(Type serviceType, Type implementationType, CallSiteChain... Would we be able to namespace the usage of SFE js so that it's not sitting in global scope?


As a content author I would like to be able to optionally specify a datasource when adding the Raw HTML field to the page So that I can reuse HTML...


On your article Helpful powershell script for .ini files:

**Do you want to request a *feature* or report a *bug*?** Bug **What is the current behavior?** Sync requests via HMAC challenge are failing with 403 Logs: WARN [Unicorn-Auth] CHAP...

We are getting our logs spammed with messages like > WARN Item with ID={C100A1CF-6205-4F05-A636-0831DBADE1D0} cannot be deleted because it is not found I traced it back to here I...

SitecoreFieldLinkMapper.MapToLinkModel for media items does not use the UrlOptions (e.g. if I want to set UrlOptions = SitecoreInfoUrlOptions.AlwaysIncludeServerUrl). However if I have a CDN config enabled (Sitecore 9.1+) for example...

Fix #101