The way to do this is in javascript: ``` history.pushState(null, "", path); window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("location-changed")); ``` this allows home assistant to navigate without reloading the user interface, which is many times...
``` service: fully_kiosk.load_url data: url: >- javascript:history.pushState(null,"","/lovelace/home");window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("location-changed")); target: device_id: - your_fully_device_id ``` Works in fully browser with android chromium webview. Solves the problem without mucking anything else up. In...
I use the following to open a specific kiosk dashboard on a kiosk in the same room as my alexa echo via voice routine. No touching required. Requires that you...
Major loss of functionality in my home assistant with 20+ devices reporting configuration file changed under repair. All lights changed to covers. Zwavejs device database appears to have bad interview...
> Make this a part of "Frigate+" Can't say I agree with paywalling core features of an open source product. I'm ready to abandon a 15 year use of pfsense...
@toxic0berliner not sure you responded to my concern, but yeah, supporting the devs is cool, breaking the product into a closed-source / open-source model not so much. btw, nice username
Are you referring to the Media Engagement Index in [chrome's autoplay policy]( I've had a good experience using audio autoplay code for displaying go2rtc webrtc camera streams from home assistant...
Hard refresh then destroys the permission. I personally would still very much like to attempt to unmute with a single click. In my code, I've used a mute icon overlay...
If there is a way to call the javascript ui from the kvmd api, then the entire DOM can be searched for the media element and the above code can...
Dirty and untested: ``` let userInteractionOccurred = false; let firstMediaElementFound = null; let unmutePerformed = false; const observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutationsList, observer) { mutationsList.forEach(mutation => { mutation.addedNodes.forEach(node => { if...