gvm2 copied to clipboard
Install broken for Go source in 0.10.6 (outdated local repo)
The installer in 0.10.6 (possibly previous versions as well) may output the following error when installing Go from source:
$ gvm install go1.9.1
Updating Go source...
ERROR: Unrecognized Go version
The issue is that updated tags are not being pulled from the Go repo; any tags that are created after Go source has been installed will not be available for building locally.
The reason that the gvm listall
command will return all available tags is because that command polls the upstream repo directly.
Binary installs continue to work as usual and are currently the preferred method of installation:
$ gvm install go1.9.1 --binary
Installing go1.9.1 from binary source
Package set (pkgset) created successfully
A temporary fix is to cd
into the archive directory (usually, $HOME/.gvm/archive/go
and issue the following:
$ git fetch --tags
remote: Counting objects: 63, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (526/526)
remote: Total 526 (delta 338), reused 508 (delta 338)
Receiving objects: 100% (526/526), 325.30 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (338/338), completed with 99 local objects.
From https://go.googlesource.com/go
* branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
* [new tag] go1.8.4 -> go1.8.4
* [new tag] go1.8.5 -> go1.8.5
* [new tag] go1.8.5rc4 -> go1.8.5rc4
* [new tag] go1.8.5rc5 -> go1.8.5rc5
* [new tag] go1.9 -> go1.9
* [new tag] go1.9.1 -> go1.9.1
* [new tag] go1.9.2 -> go1.9.2
* [new tag] go1.9rc1 -> go1.9rc1
* [new tag] go1.9rc2 -> go1.9rc2
Installation from source should now proceed normally...
$ gvm install go1.9.1
Installing go1.9.1...
Copying Go source... (version: go1.9.1)
* Patching...
** Patching skipped (not needed)
* Compiling...
Package set (pkgset) created successfully
go1.9.1 successfully installed!
This bug will be fixed in release 0.11.0 which will include a new installer.