Mark Drake
Mark Drake
The Postgres Driver should provide an option to reset identity columns after a load operation has completed.
Yadamu should support operations on that include identify columns
Update QA Environment to use Postgres 17.x by default
Migrate the MySQL Driver to node/mysql2 to support MySQL 9.x. The node/mysql package cannot connect to MySQL Databases > 8.1 due to MySQL's de-support of legacy authentication protocols.
Update QA Environment to use MySQL 9.x by default
Need to upgrade the mariadb database interface to use node/[email protected]
Yadamu needs to handle situations where the order of the columns in the source and target tables is not the same.
Node seems to have introduced a change of behavior or bug into stream/finished that breaks Yadamu.
node/mysql2 appears to hang when a connection while processing a query stream. The LostConnections test for the MySQL driver need to be disabled until this issue is addressed
node/mysql2 appears to have a problem with accuracy of edge case values for doubles. Until this issue is resolved Yadamu will have to have the server convert float the double...