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Docker-compose pull failing on Ubuntu 20.04 server

Open Syridian opened this issue 4 years ago • 10 comments

When following the file and get to the docker-compose pull command I receive the following error.

Step 6/32 : RUN cd /usr/local/boinc && ./_autosetup && ./configure --disable-client --disable-manager && make
 ---> Running in b778c889767b
/bin/sh: 1: ./_autosetup: not found
ERROR: Service 'makeproject' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c cd /usr/local/boinc && ./_autosetup && ./configure --disable-client --disable-manager && make' returned a non-zero code: 127

Ubuntu 20.04 headless server.

Syridian avatar Oct 19 '20 01:10 Syridian

This error looks like its trying to build the containers locally. I'm not sure why this is happening when you do a pull and I'm unable to reproduce this. Are you doing anything else unusual?

Ideally its supposed to look like this:

~/boinc-server-docker$ docker-compose pull
Pulling mysql       ... done
Pulling makeproject ... done
Pulling apache      ... done
~/boinc-server-docker$ docker-compose up -d
WARNING: Native build is an experimental feature and could change at any time
Creating network "boinc-server-docker_default" with the default driver
Creating volume "boinc-server-docker_mysql" with default driver
Creating volume "boinc-server-docker_project" with default driver
Creating volume "boinc-server-docker_results" with default driver
Creating volume "boinc-server-docker_secrets" with default driver
Creating boinc-server-docker_makeproject_1 ... done
Creating boinc-server-docker_mysql_1       ... done
Creating boinc-server-docker_apache_1      ... done

marius311 avatar Oct 19 '20 20:10 marius311

@marius311, just bumped into that issue as well. Quickstart lacks git submodule update --init --recursive after cd boinc-server-docker, because we need to get the actual code for the image(s)

412b avatar Nov 19 '20 13:11 412b

Can reproduce. I think it's got something to do with Ubuntu's docker-compose. It works fine on a fresh install of Debian. For some reason docker-compose pull is just completely broken on the Ubuntu machine (left): mintty_2021-03-10_04-13-00_6759 These commands were both executed right after cloning the repo without submodules.

And of course we end up right here. mintty_2021-03-10_04-36-50_6761

The left machine is a 20.04 Ubuntu install that was upgraded to 20.10. The right is a fresh Debian install. I'll try on a fresh Ubuntu install next

polymetric avatar Mar 10 '21 09:03 polymetric

This has made me realize how much better Debian is for servers

polymetric avatar Mar 11 '21 22:03 polymetric

@polymetric the top screen shot looks like its needing sudo, perhaps you forgot to add your user to the docker group or haven't re-logged in since you did that?

As for the bottom, I still don't understand why a docker-compose up is triggering a build instead of a pull, I haven't been able to reproduce that on any of my systems.

marius311 avatar Mar 17 '21 00:03 marius311

@marius311 somehow I didn't notice this reply until just now. In the top screenshot I forgot to do sudo but I did it with sudo right after, and it worked (the right pane is the debian server). The left pane is the ubuntu server, for which docker-compose does not seem to even trigger a pull.

polymetric avatar Apr 04 '21 08:04 polymetric

I'm having the same issue on a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 server. I followed the same steps, prepending sudo to the commands in the cookbook.

Edit: ~~Fixed by following I got much further in the install process, but it still failed at the end: boinc_issue

wntress avatar Jun 03 '21 21:06 wntress

This just means you already have something running on port 80 on your machine. Maybe a separate instance of boinc-server-docker? Or another Apache server?

marius311 avatar Jun 03 '21 23:06 marius311

You are right. I have an nginx server on port 80. Here's what I have changed so far:

  • I edited docker-compose.yml and changed "80:80" to "81:81" under the ports label
  • I followed to reconfigure the default listening port to 81. I did this by running docker-compose exec apache bash to get into the apache server container
  • Used ufw to open port 81
  • Set URL_BASE to the external ip of the server

I still can't access the boincserver. I tried url:81/boincserver, url/boincserver, and url:81

wntress avatar Jun 04 '21 21:06 wntress

I've been trying lots of different things to get this working. Any pointers to the right resources would be a great help.

Some more information:

  • I'm hosting a google cloud ubuntu 20.04 VM
  • An nginx server is already being hosted on port 80. I am trying to host this on 81
  • I have made sure to add a rule for port 81 on ufw and through the google cloud firewall rules
  • When I am ssh'd into my VM, I can curl the boincserver. This means it works locally. The issue is I can't get it to host remotely

I have done several full reinstalls of the boinc-server-docker project with and without the --recursive option for the cloning step. I think I overcomplicated it before when trying to manually configure the apache container to change the listening port. I didn't realize you can just leave it on port 80 and bind the docker container to a different port on the host.

In docker-compose.yml, I tried this for the "ports" section: "{EXTERNAL IP}:81:80" I wanted to have the container (configured to listen on port 80) bind to the remote server's port 81. I made sure to set URL_BASE to the external ip address as explained in the cookbook

When I try to start up the server (after running "docker-compose down" of course), it errors out and says

ERROR: for apache Cannot start service apache: driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint boinc-server-docker_apache_1 (7cb4c5f003984dd04eaba58bd970e725122fcfcb2bac354e187cfaf5cbb56aec): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp4 {EXTERNAL IP}:81: bind: cannot assign requested address

wntress avatar Jun 14 '21 20:06 wntress