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Motor support for Quart applications
MongoDB <http://www.mongodb.org/>
is an open source database that stores
flexible JSON-like "documents," which can have any number, name, or
hierarchy of fields within, instead of rows of data as in a relational
database. Python developers can think of MongoDB as a persistent, searchable
repository of Python dictionaries (and, in fact, this is how PyMongo <http://api.mongodb.org/python/current/>
represents MongoDB documents).
Quart-Motor bridges Quart and Motor and provides some convenience helpers.
First, install Quart-Motor:
$ pip install Quart-Motor
Next, add a :class:~quart_motor.Motor
to your code:
from quart import Quart
from quart_motor import Motor
app = Quart(__name__)
app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase"
mongo = Motor(app)
connects to the MongoDB server running on
port 27017 on localhost, to the database named myDatabase
. This database
is exposed as the :attr:~quart_motor.Motor.db
You can use :attr:~quart_motor.Motor.db
directly in views:
def home_page():
online_users = mongo.db.users.find({"online": True})
return render_template("index.html",
Quart-Motor depends on recent versions of Quart, Motor and PyMongo, where "recent" is defined to mean "was released in the last 3 years". Quart-Motor may work with older versions, but compatibility fixes for older versions will not be accepted, and future changes may break compatibility in older versions.
Quart-Motor is tested against supported versions <https://www.mongodb.com/support-policy>
_ of MongoDB, 3.5+.
Quart-Motor works very well with
asgi -
Quart-Motor is tested against Python 3.7+
Quart-Motor provides helpers for some common tasks:
.. automethod:: quart_motor.wrappers.Collection.find_one_or_404
.. automethod:: quart_motor.Motor.send_file
.. automethod:: quart_motor.Motor.save_file
.. autoclass:: quart_motor.helpers.BSONObjectIdConverter
.. autoclass:: quart_motor.helpers.JSONEncoder
You can configure Quart-Motor either by passing a MongoDB URI <https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/>
_ to the
constructor, or assigning it to the
Quart configuration variable <https://pgjones.gitlab.io/quart/how_to_guides/configuration.html>
The :class:~quart_motor.Motor
instnace also accepts these additional
customization options:
, a :class:~bson.json_util.JSONOptions
instance which controls the JSON serialization of MongoDB objects when used with :func:~quart.json.jsonify
You may also pass additional keyword arguments to the Motor
constructor. These are passed directly through to the underlying
By default, Quart-Motor sets the ``connect`` keyword argument to
``False``, to prevent Motor from connecting immediately. Motor
itself `is not fork-safe
and delaying connection until the app is actually used is necessary to
avoid issues. If you wish to change this default behavior, pass
``connect=True`` as a keyword argument to ``Motor``.
You can create multiple Motor
instances, to connect to multiple
databases or database servers:
app = Quart(__name__)
# connect to MongoDB with the defaults
mongo1 = Motor(app, uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/databaseOne")
# connect to another MongoDB database on the same host
mongo2 = Motor(app, uri="mongodb://localhost:27017/databaseTwo")
# connect to another MongoDB server altogether
mongo3 = Motor(app, uri="mongodb://another.host:27017/databaseThree")
Each instance is independent of the others and shares no state.
.. autoclass:: quart_motor.Motor :members:
.. attribute:: cx
The :class:`~quart_motor.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorClient` connected to the
MongoDB server.
.. attribute:: db
The :class:`~quart_motor.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorDatabase` if the URI used
named a database, and ``None`` otherwise.
Quart-Motor wraps Motor's :class:~motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient
, and
classes, and overrides their
attribute and item accessors. Wrapping the Motor classes in this way lets
Quart-Motor add methods to AsyncIOMotorCollection
while allowing user code to use
MongoDB-style dotted expressions.
>>> type(mongo.cx)
<type 'quart_motor.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorClient'>
>>> type(mongo.db)
<type 'quart_motor.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorDatabase'>
>>> type(mongo.db.some_collection)
<type 'quart_motor.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorCollection'>
.. autoclass:: quart_motor.wrappers.AsyncIOMotorCollection(...) :members:
History and Contributors
2.4.0: Unreleased
- Flask-PyMongo port as released of Flask-PyMongo.
Contributors of Flask-PyMongo:
jeverling <https://github.com/jeverling>
tang0th <https://github.com/tang0th>
Fabrice Aneche <https://github.com/akhenakh>
Thor Adam <https://github.com/thoradam>
Christoph Herr <https://github.com/jarus>
Mark Unsworth <https://github.com/markunsworth>
Kevin Funk <https://github.com/k-funk>
Ben Jeffrey <https://github.com/jeffbr13>
Emmanuel Valette <https://github.com/karec>
David Awad <https://github.com/DavidAwad>
Robson Roberto Souza Peixoto <https://github.com/robsonpeixoto>
juliascript <https://github.com/juliascript>
Henrik Blidh <https://github.com/hbldh>
jobou <https://github.com/jbouzekri>
Craig Davis <https://github.com/blade2005>
ratson <https://github.com/ratson>
Abraham Toriz Cruz <https://github.com/categulario>
MinJae Kwon <https://github.com/mingrammer>
yarobob <https://github.com/yarobob>
Andrew C. Hawkins <https://github.com/achawkins>
Contributors of Quart-Motor
Sriram <https://github.com/marirs>
Kiran <https://github.com/kirantambe>