polybar-easyeffects-presets icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
polybar-easyeffects-presets copied to clipboard

A Polybar module to control PulseEffects with presets

EasyEffects Presets

A Polybar module to control EasyEffects with presets. Main features:

  • Switch between presets with a single click.
  • Works both for output and input presets.
  • Reset EasyEffects easily.
  • Highly customizable: check the Usage section for details.




Install easyeffects-presets from the AUR with your preferred method, for example:

$ yay -S easyeffects-presets

Other Linux

Download the bash script from this repository, or extract it from the latest release, and put it somewhere in your $PATH.


The only dependency is easyeffects. The script is intended to be used with Polybar but it can be easily adapted to work with other status bars. If you get it working somewhere else let us know to update this README!

At a minimum, bash version 4.2 is required to run the script. You can check your bash version by running bash --version.

You'll need a few presets set up for this module. You can do that inside the app by configuring some filters (e.g. the Equalizer) and saving them in the "Presets" tab:



easyeffects-presets is expected to be invoked from a polybar module:

type = custom/script
exec = easyeffects-presets [option...] <action>

where action, and (optionally) options are as specified in pulseffects-presets help:

Usage: ./easyeffects-presets [OPTIONS...] ACTION

  --format <string>
        Use a format string to control the output.
        Available variables:
        * $PRESET
        * $POSITION
        * $TOTAL
        Default: $PRESET
  --save-file <string>
        The script's save file's location for persistent data.
        Default: /home/mario/.config/easyeffects_preset
  --no-preset-name <string>
        What name to use when no preset is set.
        Default: None
        Whether to use output or input presets in this script
        Defaut: Output

  help   display this message and exit
  show   print the EasyEffects status once
  next   switch to the next EasyEffects status available
  prev   switch to the previous EasyEffects status available
  reset  restore this script and EasyEffects to their initial states

See the Module section for an example, or the Useful icons section for some packs of icons.


The example from the screenshot can:

  • Switch to the previous preset on left click
  • Switch to the next preset on right click
  • Reset the script and EasyEffects on mousewheel click
  • Update when the preset is changed with EasyEffects directly

If you want to apply both input and output presets, you can create two modules, one using --output and another with --input.

modules-left   =
modules-center =
modules-right  = easyeffects-presets easyeffects-presets-ipc
# IPC is required so that the output is instantly refreshed when performing an
# action. Thus, `enable-ipc` must be set to `true` in your bar's config. It's a
# workaround until https://github.com/polybar/polybar/issues/786 is fixed.
enable-ipc = true

type = custom/script
exec = polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1 &>/dev/null
# You may want to tweak this for faster updates from EasyEffects
interval = 60

# Uses IPC to update the output on click
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = easyeffects-presets --format '  $PRESET [$POSITION/$TOTAL]' show
# The command shouldn't be ran once for each bar, so `next` and `reset` are
# executed here and then the output is updated via IPC.
click-left   = easyeffects-presets prev  && polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1
click-right  = easyeffects-presets next  && polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1
click-middle = easyeffects-presets reset && polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1

Or if you don't care about preset updates from the EasyEffects app, you can use this simpler one, which will only update when it's interacted with:

# Uses IPC to update the output on click
type = custom/ipc
initial = 1
hook-0 = easyeffects-presets --format '  $PRESET [$POSITION/$TOTAL]' show
# The command shouldn't be ran once for each bar, so `next` and `reset` are
# executed here and then the output is updated via IPC.
click-left   = easyeffects-presets prev  && polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1
click-right  = easyeffects-presets next  && polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1
click-middle = easyeffects-presets reset && polybar-msg hook easyeffects-presets-ipc 1

Note: the easyeffects-presets script may be saved somewhere else and pointed at with the full path instead of by adding it to the $PATH

Useful icons

Here's a list with icons you can copy-paste to customize the module with --format.

Font name Icon
Material ,
Emoji 🎛️, 🎚️


This script is based on polybar-pulseaudio-control, another module to control PulseAudio in a similar dynamic. Go check it out if you like this module :)