vue-datetime icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-datetime copied to clipboard

Overlay bug in vue-webpack templates and SFC files

Open AbdullaevTimur opened this issue 6 years ago • 4 comments


  • vue: 2.5.2
  • vue-datetime: 1.0.0-beta.3
  • luxon: 1.2.0


During using this component appears bug with overlay. Z-index don`t work. The problem in VUE single file components behavior and scoped style. The overlay box opens inside input box, not outside it.

Steps To Reproduce:

About steps. I make simple steps when catch the bug: 1. Registr vue-datetime globaly 2. Import vue-datetime component in SFC (.vue) as "datetime", 3. Insert it in HTML with v-model as <datetime v-model=""datetime.start"/>. And then overlay opens inside tag of datetime component. datetime_bug

I think this is a good variant to resolve it with "vue-dom-portal" - because this plugin move it to uppper level and append it to "body" tag.

AbdullaevTimur avatar Apr 25 '18 19:04 AbdullaevTimur

You realise that you didn't provide any steps to reproduce, right?

IlyaSemenov avatar Apr 26 '18 05:04 IlyaSemenov

About steps. I make simple steps when catch the bug: 1. Registr vue-datetime globaly 2. Import vue-datetime component in SFC (.vue) as "datetime", 3. Insert it in HTML with v-model as <datetime v-model=""datetime.start"/>. And then overlay opens inside tag of datetime component. datetime_bug

AbdullaevTimur avatar Apr 26 '18 05:04 AbdullaevTimur

Do you import css?

Can you provide a or repository?

mariomka avatar Jul 09 '18 09:07 mariomka

This sentence in the vue-dom-portal repository causes me distrust :"Use at your own risk! No tests have been written, but it seems to be working.". So I think this is not a good idea. I tried to use Portal-vue in my fork, but I can`t make it work properly with target-el.

adnumaro avatar Jan 13 '19 20:01 adnumaro