vue-datetime icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vue-datetime copied to clipboard

Placeholder attribute in IE

Open kenazs opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments


  • vue: 2.5.17
  • vue-datetime: 1.0.0-beta.10
  • luxon: 1.4.3


Placeholder attribute fires input event in IE ( ), that produces wrong input event. It can be resolved by spread $listeners in DateTime.vue component and check for event.

Steps To Reproduce:

<datetime v-model="test" placeholder="test placeholder" /> And on click on input this error in console (input event) default

kenazs avatar Jan 10 '19 10:01 kenazs

This is fixed at the last update. The placeholder now is inherited attribute instead of a prop.

adnumaro avatar Jan 13 '19 14:01 adnumaro

No, I mean placeholder, not popup title.

kenazs avatar Jan 14 '19 04:01 kenazs