FabScanPi-Frontend icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FabScanPi-Frontend copied to clipboard

The web interface of the FabScanPi Server backend.

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FabScanPi Frontend


This is the FabScanPi Frontend. If you want only to use the FabScanPi, visit the FabScanPi server repository. The Frontend repository is more related to developers.

Build the FabScanPi Frontend

First install nodejs for your operating system.


Afterwards install grunt.

``npm install -g grunt-cli```

Then go to frontend directory and install all needed packages ```npm install -g``

You can build the Frontend with:

grunt build

Afterwards all built files can be found in the target/build/main The files in this folder can be copied to the /usr/local/fabscanpi-server/www folder of the FabScanPi server application.

If you are not developing on a pi, you can run grunt default, which starts a node server on port 8001. By pointing your browser to http://localhost:8001 you can access the FabScanPI GUI on your local machine. The backend server parts are connected through websockets.