Mario Ruiz
Mario Ruiz
Hi, We are not planning to release the code in the short-term. Kintex 7 or Kintex US(+), if the latter it should work. If the former, you should check ETH...
does the cuckoo_cam.dcp file exist? what it is its size? The file is staged with git lfs, and maybe you did not pull it from the repo.
Yes, you need to install the Alveo U280 board files. Copy these files into `/2018.3/data/boards/board_files`
@Hecmay I would suggest to close old terminals and open a new one a rerun `make `. If you are still getting errors, you should create a project manually and...
I have not seen that issue. Can you post it in the Xilinx forums?
What is your setup? How many times before the TCP gets stuck? Are you using the same connection or opening new ones? After packet_handler the ICMP has a different datapath,...
Looks like an issue when the connection get closed, either because of a timeout or because of the FIN flag. I need to investigate, but I do not know when...
@krvishal1 I appreciate if you can do a PR when you finish with the test.
Hi @charles-typ, If you installed the license of the CMAC after the first run, you need to regenerate the cmac kernel. Remove any *.xo file inside the `Ethernet` directory and...
Hi, 1. Under what conditions are you getting this large mismatch? The CMAC should limit the maximum tx/rx bandwidth. However, if the burst is short, the FIFOs in the datapath...