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JasperReports Server PHP Integration

JasperServer REST Integration Sample

Code: http://github.com/marianol/JasperServer-for-PHP/

Author: Mariano Luna

Version: 2.0.1


  • PHP version 5.3.x
  • JasperServer 4.7 or better installed in the same domian. (Tested with v 5.0.1)
  • The PEAR package manager (http://pear.php.net)
    • XML_Serializer PEAR package (http://pear.php.net/manual/en/package.xml.xml-serializer.php)
  • Embed theme installed on JasperServer (included in "./JasperServer Resources/JS-embed-theme") for version 4.7+ use embed-4.7.zip
  • For the interactive account report (writeback sample) you will need to import ./JasperServer Resources/AccountEditReport-JRSExport.zip into your JRS repository

Using thiis Sample

Once running, go to your web server and login to the sample using a valid Jasper Server username and password (i.e. jasperadmin/jasperadmin)

  • For samples using the REST API check the "Web Services Integration" tab
  • For samples using iFrames and full UI integration check the "Jasper UI Integration" tab
  • For documentation on the JasperServer PHP REST API wrapper class go to the "JasperReports Wrapper Docs" tab

Instalation Instructions

Quick Overview

  • Uncompress this folder into a path accessible to your Webserver
  • Set the Webserver Document Root: "./web_root"
  • Add "./resources/" to the include path of your PHP.ini
  • Modify "./resources/config.php" to match your JS and App instalation paths and URLs
  • For the SSO integration implemented in this sample to work, Jasper and this sample must be in the same domain

Instalation Step by Step How-To

This instructions assume that you already have JasperServer installed and a working Apache Web Server with PHP support. Uncompress the sample source ZIP file in your drive:


Inside that folder you will find 2 folders:

./resources -> libraries and other resources
./web-root  -> application 
  1. Configure your Apache web server to add an alias to the Application web-root folder. We will make an alias to our application web root folder, this will put our application in:


Find the httpd.conf (apache configuration file) and add the following:

# Alias for PHP APP demo
Alias /myphpapp "<myfolder>/php-sample-app/web_root/"
<Directory "<myfolder>/php-sample-app/web_root/">
    Options Indexes  FollowSymLinks MultiViews ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Change the path slashes accordingly depending on the OS that apache is installed on (windows or unix-like), check the Apache manual.

  1. Modify the .htaccess file in web-root, to change the PHP include path, if you want this change can also be made server-wide in PHP.ini
  • Edit the file called htaccess-sample that is in web-root there is only one line in this file should look like this:

    php_value include_path "\php-sample-app\resources;myPEARinstallfolder;."

myPEARinstallfolder is your path to php-pear installation folder, this may be in a different path check your php.ini file

  • SAVE this file as ".htaccess" (IMPORTANT! : note the . (dot) at the beginning of the file name.)
  1. Restart apache

  2. Configure the sample application. Change the paths inside ./resources/config.php

    ... // this should match the settings on your httpd.conf file // i.e. your application lives in http://localhost/myphpapp define('WWW_ROOT', '/myphpapp/'); // real OS path where the application is installed define('SITE_PATH', '/Library/WebServer/Documents/JSDemo/'); ... // CHANGE THIS TO POINT TO YOUR JASPER SERVER define('JRS_HOST', 'localhost'); define('JRS_PORT', '8080'); define('JRS_BASE', '/jasperserver-pro'); ...

  3. go to: http://localhost/myphpapp and Voila!

The RESTclient.php file has the input control rendering functions and all the meat is in:

- login.php (authentication)
- repository.php (repository browser)
- viewReport.php and executeReport.php (view and execute report)
- iframe.php (iframe UI integration)

External Libraries Used

All the external libraries are included in this sample, check each library folder or website for each individual license.

  • JasperSoft PHP Client (http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/php-client) /resources/jasper-rest
  • PEST Rest Client (http://github.com/educoder/pest) /resources/PEST
  • PHP Markdown (http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/) /resources/php-markdown-extra-1.2.5
  • Bluprint CSS (http://www.blueprintcss.org/) /web_root/css/blueprint


Copyright (C) 2005 - 2012 Jaspersoft Corporation - All rights reserved.

Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, the following license terms apply:

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.