react-native-quick-crypto copied to clipboard
🔧 Building for Android fails with error
How were you trying to build the app?
Currently running quick-crypto 0.7.4, and gradle build
fails with error:
/home/losh11/Repos/ltc/plasma/node_modules/react-native-quick-crypto/android/src/main/java/com/margelo/quickcrypto/ Error: This declaration is opt-in and its usage should be marked with @com.facebook.react.common.annotations.FrameworkAPI or @OptIn(markerClass = com.facebook.react.common.annotations.FrameworkAPI.class) [UnsafeOptInUsageError from androidx.annotation.experimental]
CallInvokerHolderImpl jsCallInvokerHolder = (CallInvokerHolderImpl) getReactApplicationContext()
Explanation for issues of type "UnsafeOptInUsageError":
This API has been flagged as opt-in with error-level severity.
Any declaration annotated with this marker is considered part of an
unstable or
otherwise non-standard API surface and its call sites should accept the
aspect of it by using the @OptIn annotation, using the marker annotation
effectively causing further propagation of the opt-in aspect -- or
the UnsafeOptInUsageError check's options for project-wide opt-in.
To configure project-wide opt-in, specify the opt-in option value in
as a comma-delimited list of opted-in annotations:
<issue id="UnsafeOptInUsageError">
<option name="opt-in" value="" />
Vendor: Android Open Source Project
Identifier: androidx.annotation.experimental
Full build logs
/home/losh11/Repos/ltc/plasma/node_modules/react-native-quick-crypto/android/src/main/java/com/margelo/quickcrypto/ Error: This declaration is opt-in and its usage should be marked with @com.facebook.react.common.annotations.FrameworkAPI or @OptIn(markerClass = com.facebook.react.common.annotations.FrameworkAPI.class) [UnsafeOptInUsageError from androidx.annotation.experimental]
CallInvokerHolderImpl jsCallInvokerHolder = (CallInvokerHolderImpl) getReactApplicationContext()
Explanation for issues of type "UnsafeOptInUsageError":
This API has been flagged as opt-in with error-level severity.
Any declaration annotated with this marker is considered part of an
unstable or
otherwise non-standard API surface and its call sites should accept the
aspect of it by using the @OptIn annotation, using the marker annotation
effectively causing further propagation of the opt-in aspect -- or
the UnsafeOptInUsageError check's options for project-wide opt-in.
To configure project-wide opt-in, specify the opt-in option value in
as a comma-delimited list of opted-in annotations:
<issue id="UnsafeOptInUsageError">
<option name="opt-in" value="" />
Vendor: Android Open Source Project
Identifier: androidx.annotation.experimental
Project dependencies
"dependencies": {
"@bitcoinerlab/secp256k1": "^1.1.1",
"@craftzdog/react-native-buffer": "^6.0.5",
"@dr.pogodin/react-native-fs": "^2.28.0",
"@moonpay/react-native-moonpay-sdk": "^0.9.1",
"@noble/secp256k1": "^1.7.1",
"@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "^1.24.0",
"@react-native-clipboard/clipboard": "^1.14.1",
"@react-native-community/netinfo": "^11.3.2",
"@react-native-community/slider": "^4.5.2",
"@react-native-masked-view/masked-view": "^0.3.1",
"@react-native-segmented-control/segmented-control": "^2.5.2",
"@react-navigation/native": "^6.1.18",
"@react-navigation/stack": "^6.4.1",
"@reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.9.7",
"@shopify/react-native-skia": "^1.3.13",
"axios": "^1.7.2",
"base58-js": "1.0.5",
"bech32": "2.0.0",
"bip32": "3.1.0",
"bip39": "3.1.0",
"bitcoinjs-lib": "6.1.6",
"d3-scale": "^4.0.2",
"d3-shape": "^3.2.0",
"ecpair": "2.1.0",
"expo": "^51.0.0",
"expo-application": "~5.9.1",
"expo-secure-store": "~13.0.2",
"lodash.memoize": "^4.1.2",
"protobufjs": "^7.4.0",
"qs": "^6.13.0",
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-native": "0.74.1",
"react-native-device-info": "^11.1.0",
"react-native-gesture-handler": "^2.19.0",
"react-native-get-random-values": "^1.11.0",
"react-native-haptic-feedback": "^2.3.1",
"react-native-icloudstore": "github:manicakes/react-native-icloudstore#20f20106d5c52adcef68ebb5b8833c5160eb4b50",
"react-native-inappbrowser-reborn": "^3.7.0",
"react-native-keychain": "^8.2.0",
"react-native-linear-gradient": "^2.8.3",
"react-native-localize": "^3.2.1",
"react-native-mmkv": "^2.12.2",
"react-native-modal": "^13.0.1",
"react-native-qrcode-svg": "6.3.2",
"react-native-quick-base64": "2.1.2",
"react-native-quick-crypto": "0.7.4",
"react-native-reanimated": "3.12.1",
"react-native-reanimated-carousel": "^4.0.0-alpha.12",
"react-native-safe-area-context": "^4.11.0",
"react-native-screens": "3.32.0",
"react-native-svg": "^15.6.0",
"react-native-touch-id": "^4.4.1",
"react-native-url-polyfill": "^2.0.0",
"react-native-vision-camera": "^4.5.3",
"react-native-webview": "^13.12.2",
"react-redux": "^8.1.3",
"redux-persist": "^6.0.0",
"sha.js": "^2.4.11",
"sha256-uint8array": "^0.10.7",
"stream-browserify": "^3.0.0",
"uuid": "^9.0.1"
QuickCrypto Version
Target platforms
Operating system
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Additional information
- [ ] I am using Expo
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- [X] I searched for similar issues in this repository and found none.